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create a connection between two shapes by mouse withoust using connectors

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al asked on 19 Oct 2016, 07:32 AM

hi dear all,

i am using raddiagram to create a flowchart. normally, the user must select a shape to see shape's connectors and start connection manupulation from one of the connectors and create connection to other shape.


i need to a connection manupulation to be started when a user go over the shape and click and hold and continiue to create connection by moving the hold mouse button to the other shape. also i need the connections to be started from the shape , not connector. in other words, i need the user to not to start connection manupulation by selectiong the shape connector. i mean the connection to be started automatically when the user click and hold left click on a non-selected shape  and whithout selecting any connectors of the shape(i prefer the shapes to not have any connectors or atleast they would be hidden).

best regards.

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Kiril Vandov
Telerik team
answered on 20 Oct 2016, 12:55 PM
Hello Al Samadian,

You can achieve that scenario by creating a CustomConnectionTool which will be holding the entire logic on how you create a connection. You can take a look at the CustomConnectorTool demo,in which we are creating connectors dynamically to which you can connect the start/end of a connection. Also please have in mind that the best way of hiding the connectors is to play with their opacity or visibility.

I hope this information helps.

Kind regards,
Kiril Vandov
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Kiril Vandov
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