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Copy and paste cells between Excel and RadGridView

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Daniel asked on 19 Jul 2016, 09:13 AM

I need to have formatted numbers in RadGridView, my columns looks like below:

<telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding MarketValue}"
                          <TextBox Text="{Binding MarketValue, StringFormat=n2}"></TextBox>

based on this post:


I want to have an opportunity to copy multiple cells from the Grid and paste them into excel file or notepad and it works out-of-th-box.

Unfortunately I cannot reverse it - I cannot change some values in excel file, copy them and paste into RadGridView. Is there any way to do it easily?


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Stefan Nenchev
Telerik team
answered on 21 Jul 2016, 01:19 PM
Hello Daniel,

I have used the sample project from the other thread and was able to copy values from excel and paste them into the RadGridView control. Please check the following video that I have recorded at my end -

Can you please update me whether you have set the ClipboardPasteMode property of RadGridView to None for some reason? Please review our documentation regarding the paste functionality - Pasting. Sharing more details regarding your overall setup will be appreciated.

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Stefan Nenchev
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