When these controls render they do so in a table, label in one cell and control in another.
No problems so far.
However, if you've lots of these controls and the labels are all different lengths then you have the devils own job of getting your controls to stack nicely.
It would be nice if these controls rendered a class name in the <TD> tag (or better yet, had a LabelCssClass property where the <TD> and LabellCssClass property value could be used to write a CSS rule) so that the width could be set to a consistent value so that all the controls stacked neatly.
No problems so far.
However, if you've lots of these controls and the labels are all different lengths then you have the devils own job of getting your controls to stack nicely.
It would be nice if these controls rendered a class name in the <TD> tag (or better yet, had a LabelCssClass property where the <TD> and LabellCssClass property value could be used to write a CSS rule) so that the width could be set to a consistent value so that all the controls stacked neatly.