Hello there
Can anybody resolve a confusion for me? I'm trying to run some Range manipulation, using a cross-browser compatible Javascript library (it is called 'rangy').
I know that the radEditor has its own client-side getSelection() function etc. The problem is that the 'rangy' library can only work with Selection objects that it creates itself, and that means it needs to be passed a reference to the Iframe object of the radEditor. Specifically though, it expects that the Iframe object in question should be in possession of a 'contentWindow' property. Is this usually just standard for Iframes that fill a window, as it seems to me from investigating the radEditor document DOM that the IFrame object returned by the radEditor's get_document() function does not have a value set for 'contentWindow'.
Am I missing something obvious here? Should the radEditor's Iframe document have a 'contentWindow' set? If this property can be set manually, how should I get a reference to the correct Window object?
Thanks if you can sort this confusion out for me!