I am using RadEditor MOSS (5.1) in a WSS only scenario. I am trying to configure the editor by editing the ListConfigFile.xml file. I am using the following information from your site as a reference to what settings can be made to the ListConfigFile.xml: http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet/editor/usingtheconfigfilexml.html.
It appears to me that a number of settings work perfectly (like the Width, ToolbarMode, ImagesPaths properties), but others do not work at all (like UploadImagesPaths, Height, CssFiles etc.).
Could you please tell me what properties are to be used in the ListConfigFile.xml file or point out to me why some property settings do not work in WSS only scenarios and what settings are availiable for each property?
It appears to me that a number of settings work perfectly (like the Width, ToolbarMode, ImagesPaths properties), but others do not work at all (like UploadImagesPaths, Height, CssFiles etc.).
Could you please tell me what properties are to be used in the ListConfigFile.xml file or point out to me why some property settings do not work in WSS only scenarios and what settings are availiable for each property?