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Compression Module

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Alex Tushinsky
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Alex Tushinsky asked on 15 Mar 2009, 12:26 AM
It seems I've uncovered a bug in the compression module, or I may be doing something wrong.

It seems that when you use it to compress ViewState, it fails in the following scenario:

Main page, compression module enabled to compress viewstate (I actually have not enabled it to compress the viewstate, but its doing it anyway, without the browser file).  On that page, a button opens a RadWindow, which calls another page.  When the RadWindow is closed, the main page returns a javascript error saying that the ViewState doesn't match.  This makes sense because the second page in the RadWindow modified the variable that's storing the compressed viewstate, and now they don't line up.  This seems to be the case in both modes, hidden variable and session.

Is there any solution to this, or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance,
Alex T

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Alex Tushinsky
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Rank 2
answered on 15 Mar 2009, 03:38 AM
Nevermind... I figured out the problem.  Its actually not related to the Compression Module, but has to do with the RadWindow control.  I came across this other post in the forums, which lead me to the fix:

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Alex Tushinsky
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Alex Tushinsky
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