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Components problem

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Mic asked on 23 Jan 2009, 06:05 PM
After finish and testing on my local machine, everything works perfectly fine...
When I upload my WHOLE folder to the server... I got this website:

All the styles are gone. The page does not work right... All the components are not working...

What should i need to do ???


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k f
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answered on 24 Jan 2009, 03:27 PM
Hello Mic,

First you'll probably get to your resolution a little quicker if you post a few more details about your scenario.  What versions of Telerik and I presume Visual Studio are you using?  Also, what process are following to upload your project?  You can build everything and in Visual Studio select the web project, and click on the copy files that way.

When I try to open up the website the first thing I get is an error that states, "ASP.Net Ajax client-side framework failed to load."  You can google that error and get some hits. is the first I ran across.

So one question I would ask, is this your own server you uploaded to so you it has the version of the .Net framework installed or are you copying this to a hosted server at an ISP?

I think you need to get this problem resolved first as it's generating some residual expections I think may be corrected when you get the correct version of.  Uncheck Disable Script debugging in Tools, Internet Options, Advanced tab and then under Browsing to see the exceptions I'm talking about.  (This is for IE).  If you have to make this change you'll need to close IE and reopen it.

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answered on 02 Feb 2009, 04:44 PM
This server is the ISP server . It uses Framework 3.5 so I'm sure that the Ajax is there.
I'm using Telerik Grid, Telerik Tab for this system with the Summer Set theme.
I'm not really sure what is going on.. I copy my whole Project folder up to the server.
I'm using Telerik 2008 Q2.

Now.. what I can see so far is that there is no Theme... The theme folder is NOT inside my project folder.. do i need to copy and upload anything extra?

k f
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answered on 02 Feb 2009, 11:09 PM
Hello Mic,

You are assuming, I would check with my ISP first.  You shouldn't be getting the asp.Net ajax error.  Did you enable script debbuging where you see the exception popup I'm talking about about?  I would work with them.  I say this because a while back I uploaded a .Net 3.5 project to an ISP site that was supposed to be 3.5 and turned out not to be.

Have you tested a page that doesn't contain the telerik controls but has a ms script manager and some functionality that would utilize the script manager.  I would be curious if you still get that MS Ajax error I'm talking about and a failure on Sys.

You are getting an error that Telerik isn't defined but that's the last exception.  If that was the only problem I would expect to see the MS Ajax exception or the Sys exception.

I would work in that direction right now. Again put a basic page with script manager and some functionality without telerik controls.  If/when you get that work, add a Rad control test until you get to the root of the problem.

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