Hi All,
I am yet a trial version user of telerik controls. When I am using it I found an issue as mention below.
My item list is popuplated with a item like 'Investment in Land & Building'
When I select that, it display the text as 'Investment in Land & Building' (This is my exact item text coming from DB)
But when I try to read the property of SelectedItem, it indicates it is NULL. But only Text property filled with the correct selected item's text. And even SelectedIndex is -1.
I believe telerik dropdown control may be using that special character (&), but I am not sure. But I was able to get over the issue by doing some manual check of finding the SelectedItem with Server.HtmlEncode as follows.
eg.(C# Code)
cmbGlCode.SelectedIndex = cmbGlCode.Items.IndexOf(cmbGlCode.Items.FindItemByText(Server.HtmlEncode(cmbGlCode.Text)));
I am reporting this because I like the controls, and my client is going to buy them.