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ComboBox Not Clearing initial page load data when show more results is selected.

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Ryan asked on 03 Jan 2013, 01:51 PM

On page load i bind data to the combobox control but if the user selects the ShowMoreResults arrow
 down button 
to load more items(even though i display all items) it appends the same amount of items
 to the box without clearing the original binded items. even though when the rcboSearch_ItemsRequested is launched it is set to clear the combobox and
indeed stepping through the code it says it has the output on screen is that
the page load data is mixed with the new data.

note if the user starts to type into the combobox the results get cleared.
the problem is only when i append data on page load and select ShowMoreResults
arrow which seems to be present even though 
there shouldnt be any more results to load,
 this triggers 
rcboSearch_ItemsRequested and adds the same amount of data
 as page load to the data already there

<telerik:RadComboBox runat="server" ID="ComboAllContacts"  Width="300"
                ShowMoreResultsBox="true" MaxLength="250" EnableVirtualScrolling="true" EnableLoadOnDemand="true"
                EmptyMessage="Select Area" MarkFirstMatch="false" AllowCustomText="false" HighlightTemplatedItems="false"
                EnableItemCaching="false" MinFilterLength="1" CssClass="fx-areaselector"  OnItemsRequested="rcboSearch_ItemsRequested"
                skin="Fluent" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" DataValueField="CRMAreaID" ClientIDMode="Static" >
           <div class="searchResult">
           <div class="profilePicContainer">
          <a  title="View <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "Attributes['Name']")%>"><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container,        "Attributes['Name']")%></a>  
           <div class="separatorTemplate" style="display: none;">
            <h2><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container, "Attributes['Name']")%></h2>

<<< Page Load >>>

If Not IsPostBack Then
            Dim currentRowType = String.Empty
            Dim ds As DataSet = AreaHelper.GetMyAreas()
            Dim dt As DataTable = ds.Tables(0)
            ComboAllContacts.DataValueField = "CRMAreaID"
            For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
                Dim item As New RadComboBoxItem
                Dim CRMAreaID As String = row("CRMAreaID").ToString()
                Dim Name As String = row("Name").ToString()
                Dim Region As String = row("Region").ToString()
                If currentRowType <> Region Then
                    ' Add separator Row
                    currentRowType = Region
                End If
                item.Value = CRMAreaID.ToString()
                item.Text = Name
                item.Attributes.Add("CRMAreaID", CRMAreaID)
                item.Attributes.Add("Region", Region)
                item.Attributes.Add("Name", Name)
                item.Attributes.Add("IsSeparator", False)
                item.Attributes.Add("onclick", "NavigateAreaSelection(" + CRMAreaID + ")")
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Text) Then
                End If
            Next row
        End If


Protected Sub Protected Sub rcboSearch_ItemsRequested(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RadComboBoxItemsRequestedEventArgs)
        '' RadComboBox combo = this.FindControl("combo") as RadComboBox;
        ComboAllContacts.Text = ""
        Dim data As DataTable = GetData(e.Text)
        Dim itemOffset As Integer = e.NumberOfItems
        Dim endOffset As Integer = data.Rows.Count ''Math.Min(itemOffset + ItemsPerRequest, data.Rows.Count)
        e.EndOfItems = endOffset = data.Rows.Count
        'If data.Rows.Count > 0 Then
        'End If
        Dim currentRowType = String.Empty
        ''For i As Integer = itemOffset To endOffset - 1
        For Each row As DataRow In data.Rows
            Dim item As New RadComboBoxItem
            'Dim CRMAreaID As String = data.Rows(i)("RowID").ToString()
            'Dim rowName As String = data.Rows(i)("Name").ToString()
            'Dim Region As String = data.Rows(i)("Region").ToString()
            Dim CRMAreaID As String = row("RowID").ToString()
            Dim rowName As String = row("Name").ToString()
            Dim Region As String = row("Region").ToString()
            If currentRowType <> Region Then
                ' Add separator Row
                currentRowType = Region
            End If
            item.Value = CRMAreaID
            item.Text = rowName
            item.Attributes.Add("CRMAreaID", CRMAreaID)
            item.Attributes.Add("Region", Region)
            item.Attributes.Add("Name", rowName)
            item.Attributes.Add("IsSeparator", False)
            item.Attributes.Add("onclick", "NavigateAreaSelection(" + CRMAreaID + ")")
            If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Text) Then
            End If
            ''Next row
        If ComboAllContacts.Items.Count > 0 Then
        End If
        e.Message = GetStatusMessage(endOffset, ComboAllContacts.Items.Count)(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RadComboBoxItemsRequestedEventArgs)
        '' RadComboBox combo = this.FindControl("combo") as RadComboBox;
        ComboAllContacts.Text = ""
        Dim data As DataTable = GetData(e.Text)
        Dim itemOffset As Integer = e.NumberOfItems
        Dim endOffset As Integer = data.Rows.Count ''Math.Min(itemOffset + ItemsPerRequest, data.Rows.Count)
        e.EndOfItems = endOffset = data.Rows.Count
        'If data.Rows.Count > 0 Then
        'End If
        Dim currentRowType = String.Empty
        ''For i As Integer = itemOffset To endOffset - 1
        For Each row As DataRow In data.Rows
            Dim item As New RadComboBoxItem
            'Dim CRMAreaID As String = data.Rows(i)("RowID").ToString()
            'Dim rowName As String = data.Rows(i)("Name").ToString()
            'Dim Region As String = data.Rows(i)("Region").ToString()
            Dim CRMAreaID As String = row("RowID").ToString()
            Dim rowName As String = row("Name").ToString()
            Dim Region As String = row("Region").ToString()
            If currentRowType <> Region Then
                ' Add separator Row
                currentRowType = Region
            End If
            item.Value = CRMAreaID
            item.Text = rowName
            item.Attributes.Add("CRMAreaID", CRMAreaID)
            item.Attributes.Add("Region", Region)
            item.Attributes.Add("Name", rowName)
            item.Attributes.Add("IsSeparator", False)
            item.Attributes.Add("onclick", "NavigateAreaSelection(" + CRMAreaID + ")")
            If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Text) Then
            End If
            ''Next row
        If ComboAllContacts.Items.Count > 0 Then
        End If
        e.Message = GetStatusMessage(endOffset, ComboAllContacts.Items.Count)

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Telerik team
answered on 08 Jan 2013, 01:27 PM
Hello Ryan,

As I can see, you had comment out the itemOffset calculation, on which the correct behavior of the desired functionality rely. The itemOffset and endOffset are responsible for calculating the portion of items, which is about to be loaded in the RadComboBox. Please refer to our online demo, where this functionality is implemented.

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