So, I have 2 comboboxes in a sort of master/detail scenario. The "detail" combobox is losing it's selected item, but only in one case as far as I can see. In other words, if the Master selection is say A,B or C... the Detail combobox is fine, but if the Master selection is D, the Detail combobox resets to the first item (I think as soon as it loses focus). Any thoughts?
EDIT: OK, narrowed it down some although still wierdddddddd. In the index changed event, I'm handling a UI feature, basically setting an element's visibility based on the value of a property in the selected item. And if that "if" is true, the element is set visible and the selected item resets. Enough for today...
EDIT, AGAIN: OK, so it isn't the UI update that's causing it. Somehow the value of this property in the dataset is the key but not anything that's set because of it. Maybe the two LINQ queries are interacting in some bizaare way. Tomorrow's another day...
EDIT: OK, narrowed it down some although still wierdddddddd. In the index changed event, I'm handling a UI feature, basically setting an element's visibility based on the value of a property in the selected item. And if that "if" is true, the element is set visible and the selected item resets. Enough for today...
EDIT, AGAIN: OK, so it isn't the UI update that's causing it. Somehow the value of this property in the dataset is the key but not anything that's set because of it. Maybe the two LINQ queries are interacting in some bizaare way. Tomorrow's another day...