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Column Chooser with postback

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Jocelyn asked on 28 Nov 2012, 07:17 PM

I use your GridSettingsPersister.vb and save those settings in a DataBase. I don't save the settings using a "Save settings button" I do it in the Grid PreRender event on a PostBack:

Public Sub tmpGrid_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    Dim tmpGrid As RadGrid = sender
    Dim settingsType As GridSettingsType = GridSettingsType.ColumnSettings Or _
                                            GridSettingsType.Grouping Or _
                                            GridSettingsType.Paging Or _
    Dim persister As New GridSettingsPersister(tmpGrid, settingsType)
    If tmpGrid.Page.IsPostBack Then
        Dim param As String = persister.SaveSettings()
        Dim SQLGrille As LWebStatement = ExecuteSql("Select UCPR_NOAUTO, PARAM from USAGERCOLONNEPRESCRIPTEUR " & _
                                      " WHERE NOAUTOUSAGER = " & CurrentUser.NoCurrentUser & _
                                              " AND NOMPAGE = '" & tmpGrid.Page.ToString & "' " & _
                                              " AND NOMGRILLE = '" & tmpGrid.ID & "'")
        If SQLGrille.HasRecord Then
        End If
    End If
End Sub

It works like a charm except for the Column chooser because it is client side. How can I force a PostBack when the user Show/Hide a column?


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Telerik team
answered on 03 Dec 2012, 10:13 AM

 If you are using the header context menu of the grid the show / hide operation there works only on the client. If you need to perform a postback you will need to customize the header context menu as shown in the help topic by adding new custom items that fire a custom command from the client using the fireCommand method of the grid which can be handled on the server side and there you can show or hide the column and preserve the setting.

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