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Color Channel Mixer ?

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Rob A.
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Rank 2
Rob A. asked on 23 Dec 2020, 01:14 AM

I've been trying to use the ImageEditor's Hue and Saturation to accomplish the same task as Adobe's Color Channel Mixer but the operations are color channel specific and I was getting nowhere with it as I could potentially have Luminosity values above 1 which would cause issues with Saturation calculations.

Does anyone know if there is a .NET control or color management library that can be purchased or free that could accomplish the task of increasing/decrease individual color channels on an image?  I really only need the image as a "preview", and then use then save the R G B for use in another application.  RGB values are decimal but 0-100% but can be overdriven just like Adobe's Color Channel Mixer up to 500%  (adobe only goes up to 200%).

I've seen some sample code all C++ and "unsafe" code so wasn't too helpful ... either a .NET library or .NET control ... can anyone point me in a direction? 

Cheers, Rob.



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Rob A.
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Rank 2
answered on 31 Dec 2020, 07:15 PM

I did find a Image Processing .NET/WPF libraries but at $795 for initial cost and $1 per deployment, it was obviously NOT practical.  The product is LeadTools "Image Processing SDK Libraries" ... they provide a Channel Mixer

Add my vote for an RGB Channel Mixer to the Telerik ImageEditor.

Cheers, Rob.

Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 05 Jan 2021, 06:37 AM

Hello Rob,

There is no such control in the Telerik UI for WPF suite, and I am afraid that I cannot suggest any third party solution. What I could recommend is to open a new feature request in the feedback portal and describe the requirement there. Also, there you can add information if you would expect this to be a separate control or part of RadImageEditor's tools.

Martin Ivanov
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Rob A.
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Rob A.
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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
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