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Closing a tooltip managed by RadTooltipManager takes several seconds

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Setiawan asked on 27 Jul 2015, 07:15 PM


I just implemented load on demand on radtooltipManager which I load user controls into the manager in code behind.

Everything works wonderfully, but I have ​a question. One of my user control displays a dropdown with radtreeview with many nodes.

I can display loading image when the page loads the tooltip containing that user control so it's clear that it's loading, but when user closes the tooltip, it takes so much time before the tooltip is gone. My first impression is that tooltip is slower to close when the content is big in byte size.


What's your solution to solve this?

And do you have a way to cache the tooltip content so the 2nd time the system displays the tooltip, it will load faster?



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answered on 30 Jul 2015, 06:37 AM

I suggest you providing a markup example or attach a sample project, so that this can be tested locally.

Currently, I can only guess what the configuration is and how such a scenario leads to the described situation.

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answered on 30 Jul 2015, 06:57 PM

Thanks Ianko for your reply.

This is my radTooltipManager:

<telerik:RadToolTipManager ID="rttmQuestionSearch" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" OnClientShow="OnClientShow" HideDelay="0" RenderInPageRoot="true" Sticky="true" RelativeTo="Element" EnableShadow="false" ShowEvent="OnClick" HideEvent="ManualClose" Skin="Default" Position="MiddleRight" OnAjaxUpdate="rttmQuestionSearch_AjaxUpdate">


Protected Sub rttmQuestionSearch_AjaxUpdate(sender As Object, e As ToolTipUpdateEventArgs)
      Select Case e.Value
                    Case TooltipManagerValue.Category
              Dim _ucCategory As __category = Page.LoadControl("~/Question/SearchFilter/__category.ascx")
              _ucCategory.ID = "ucCategory"
            AddHandler _ucCategory.CloseAndPassSelectedValue, AddressOf _ucCategory_CloseAndPassSelectedValue
              AddHandler _ucCategory.CloseOnly, AddressOf _ucCategory_CloseOnly
          Case Else
              ' do nothing
      End Select
  End Sub     

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answered on 30 Jul 2015, 06:59 PM

there is no problem if the user control loads only handful of data, but when it has hundreds of data on a dropbox for example, it closes very slow.

If this is unavoidable, then do you know how to trigger animation (e.g. page loading) when the tooltip closes?


Thanks a bunch!


Telerik team
answered on 04 Aug 2015, 07:55 AM
Hello Setiawan,

I am still unable to reproduce the problematic behavior. Also, the built-in mechanism to close the popup is designed with jQuery fadeOut animation, which I can only guess why would lead to such a behavior as it just hides the DOM element, without any further programmatic manipulations.

As for triggering additional animation when popup is closing, I suggest using pure jQuery animation to implement that. Here you are a simple example for that:
<telerik:RadToolTipManager ID="rttmQuestionSearch" runat="server" AutoTooltipify="true" Animation="Resize" OnClientBeforeHide="OnClientBeforeHide">
<a href="#" title="Tooltip Content">content</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function OnClientBeforeHide(sender, args) {
        var popup = sender.get_popupElement();

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