Hello Telerik Team,
We have Ticket Management kind of Web application and we have extensively used the Telerik controls in our application.
The Telerik Version we are currently using is : 2014.2.724.45
In some of the places we used the RadAjaxPanel and placed RadGrid inside that Panel so that whenever we perform any action then the Grid content will get updated with partial refresh. We want one JavaScript function should get called when Ajax actions has been done by RadAjaxPanel. To accomplished this we used "ClientEvents-OnResponseEnd" property of RadAjaxPanel. Please refer following code:
-----------------------Code Start Here-----------------------
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function TestJS()
<telerik:RadAjaxPanel ID="RadAjaxPanel3" runat="server" EnableAJAX="true" LoadingPanelID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" ClientEvents-OnResponseEnd="TestJS()">
--RadGrid is located here.
-----------------------Code End Here-----------------------
Now in IE 11 browser the "TestJS()" function has been successively called for each action (which cause Postback) which we performed on Grid But the problem is for Chrome browser, the "TestJS()" function is getting called on each alternate action we perform on Grid. We want that for both the browsers IE11 and Chrome this functionality should work in the same way as it works in IE11.
Please help us to resolve the above issue for Chrome Browser.