Is there a way to query whether or not the value of a RadNumericTextBox or a RadDateInput is valid on the client side? I want to re-validate all the input fields on the screen when the user clicks a submit button and halt that postback action if any of the values are invalid.
I have three types of controls I'm using: RadTextBox, RadNumericTextBox, and RadDateInput. I validate the RadTextBox values client-side by comparing them against a preconfigured regular expression. I can do this for both the Numeric and Date controls as well, but was hoping there was an easier built in function to check the validity of the contents.
I have three types of controls I'm using: RadTextBox, RadNumericTextBox, and RadDateInput. I validate the RadTextBox values client-side by comparing them against a preconfigured regular expression. I can do this for both the Numeric and Date controls as well, but was hoping there was an easier built in function to check the validity of the contents.