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Client Side Programming

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Trent asked on 17 Nov 2015, 07:05 PM

I am still exploring the Spreadsheet control and I can see where it would be a useful tool.  I am able to get cell values using JavaScript but I don't see a way to change the values.  Also, I would like to see a cell onChange event that would allow me to format the font color if the value changes.

We are using similar functionality using your grid control on a screen.  The spreadsheet control might be better suited for this screen if I can add this functionality.  Is this available?  If so, can you provide example code?  If not, are you planning to add these to the Spreadsheet control?

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Telerik team
answered on 18 Nov 2015, 08:59 AM

We will introduce these functionalities in the official release of the Spreadsheet control, which is scheduled for the middle of January with the Q1 2016 release.

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