Can I use RadClientDataSource for binding hierarchical grid? do you have any working example?
I tried creating the one with NestedViewTemplate like below ( just skeleton),
<telerik:RadGrid ClientDataSourceID="RadClientDataSource1">
<telerik:RadGrid ClientDataSourceID="RadClientDataSource2"/>
I got multiple issue listed below, so I just want to check whether is it possible to use this option for hierarchical binding? if not do you have any other alternative option using client side binding?
1. When I change the pagesize from 10 to 20, expand icon was not appearing for the records starting from 11 to 20.
2. When I expand the first record in first page, then move to next page, expanded record doesn't collapse and it shows in next page as well.
3. When an expand command is fired then both the MasterView and Nestedview get refreshed, not retaining the state, say if I expand second page record, grid goes to first page