I have a main form containing a RadCalendar. When the user selects a date on the calendar, a RadWindow opens a child window where some data is loaded for the specific date selected. When the user closes the RadWindow, I want the calendar to be refreshed. Currently, in my main form, I have the following logic, which works perfectly when the form first loads. I want the calendar to be refreshed when the child window closes.
protected void RadCalendar1_DayRender1(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.Calendar.DayRenderEventArgs e)
DateTime currentCalendarDate = e.Day.Date;
// some logic here to check a database table for the currentCalendarDate to
// see if some data has been imported for that date.
if (dataIsImport == true)
drTradeHistoryHeader = dtTradeHistoryHeader[0];
TableCell currentCell = e.Cell;
currentCell.Style["background-color"] = "lemonchiffon";
currentCell.Text = "Imported" + "<br/>" + currentCalendarDate.Day.ToString();
Thank You,
David Nowak.