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Client side Control Ready Event?

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Christopher asked on 28 Jul 2010, 02:44 PM
I currently have a bunch of RadGrids inside a DataList, and I am using PageMethods to do data loading, sorting, and paging.
I am wondering if there is a preferred way to dynamically call the page methods for each grid?

Currently I have a Dictionary that stores each client side grid id and the id of the data to load.  This gets written out to an ASP:Literal in the javascript on the page, which is iterated over in the pageLoad function.  This works, but its not very elegant, and it can take much too long to execute if the number of grids on the page gets very large.

Is there a client side event that I can get that fires when a Grid is ready and rendered on the page, but and ready to accept data?  
Something like NeedsDataSet or GridCreated?

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answered on 02 Aug 2010, 11:15 AM
Hello Christopher,

The client-side event of RadGrid which you can wire in this scenario is OnGridCreated . You can find it in ClientSettings-ClientEvents of the RadGrid tag. 

Additionally, you can see what other client-side events our RadGrid exposes at that address.

I hope this helps.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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