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Client error "Could not find an instance of RadProgressManager or RadAsyncUpload on page..."

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Julio asked on 18 Sep 2013, 05:40 PM


First of all
sorry for my bad English

I have a Problem with the RadAsyncUpload Control.
I'm using VS2010, and my Telerik VersiĆ³n is Q1 2013

In a web page I have a Radgrid that shows the names of files uploaded.
When a user click a button of any of the rows of the Radgrid, it displays a Radwindow.

In that Radwindow, i load a web page containing 3 RadAsyncUpload and 1 RadProgressArea.
In the load event a query is performed to the database to see if the files that corresponds to the row of the Radgrid exists.

If the files already exist, the RadAsyncUpload are hidden.  And instead, show labels with the names of the uploaded files, and also shows a button to delete the files.

But when the web page within the Radwindow finishes loading, i get a cliente message saying "Could not find an instance of RadProgress or RadAsyncUpload on the page. Are you missing the control declaration?".

I notice that when controls are hidden the message appears. But when they are not does not appear.

If files exist, I need to hide the controls,to show the user the option to remove them from the server.

Here are part of my code:

* One of my RadAsyncUpload on the web page, the other 2 are the same with different names.

<div class="Inscontrolrow">
    <telerik:RadAsyncUpload ID="AsyncUpload1" runat="server" Culture="es-MX"  MaxFileInputsCount="1" TabIndex="12" AllowedFileExtensions=".pdf,.xls,.xlsx,.zip,.xml" MaxFileSize="140680064" >
    <div style="float:left; margin:0 20px 0 0">
         <asp:Label ID="LblArchivoFO" runat="server"  Visible="false"></asp:Label>
    <div style="float:left">
          <telerik:RadButton ID="BtnEliminarFO" runat="server" Text="Eliminar"   Visible="false"></telerik:RadButton>
* The only RadProgressArea that the web page contains.

<div class="Inscontrolrow">
   <telerik:RadProgressArea runat="server" ID="ProgressArea1" Culture="es-MX" TabIndex="19">

* Part of the server code where the controls are hidden:
If Not row("Archivo_Factura_Original") Is Nothing And Not row("Archivo_Factura_Original") Is DBNull.Value Then
 Dim Rutacarpeta As String = Server.MapPath("~/Archivos/clientes/" + CStr(Session("ID_")).Trim + "/Facturas_Originales/")
 Dim name As String = CStr(row("Archivo_Factura_Original"))
 If File.Exists(Rutacarpeta & name) Then
  LblArchivoFO.Text = CStr(row("Archivo_Factura_Original"))
  LblArchivoFO.Visible = True
  BtnEliminarFO.Visible = True
  Me.AsyncUpload1.Enabled = False
  Me.AsyncUpload1.Visible = False
  LblArchivoFO.Visible = False
  BtnEliminarFO.Visible = False
  Me.AsyncUpload1.Enabled = True
  Me.AsyncUpload1.Visible = True
 End If
End If

Please help me.

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answered on 19 Sep 2013, 09:12 PM
Anyone could help me?   please...   =(

How I can make that error message disappear? ...

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answered on 03 May 2017, 12:34 PM


Is this issue resolved? If so, can you please share the resolution?

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answered on 11 May 2017, 02:44 PM
The current thread is related to this one:

Let's continue the discussion in the other one.

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