I am using VS 2008 with your latest release and .net 3.5 and C#. I have a radgrid whith data columns defined using templates as follows:
<asp:Label ID="ShortActivityDescription"
Text='<%# Eval("ShortActivityDescription")%>'>
I originally load the grid (server side) during page load using the OnNeedDatasouce method defined in the RadGrid definition. Thereafter, I am using javascript and webservice(s) to do the insert, update, and delete logic and database IO. The webservice returns a list of data records to the calling javascript function. the successful completion method then does the following code (exactly like your demo example):
function Get_West_Activity_Grid_Complete(result)
if (result != null)
var tableView = $find("<%= Grid_West.ClientID %>").get_masterTableView();
var grid = $find("<%= Grid_West.ClientID %>");
The data gets added, changed, or deleted to/from the database but the grid does not refresh reflecting the changed data. The data properties in the web service result list contain the correct data and number of list objects are correct. The List properties identifiers(names) match the label id in the item template. The grid has the EnableAJAX property set to true.
I have researched the Forum material, user documentation and clientside api material and cannot see what I am doing wrong. I have read thru the following sources:
Grid / WebService Binding
Grid / .NET 3.5 Client-side Data Binding - automatic binding to WCF and ADO.NET services
Grid / Declarative Binding
Grid / Programmatic Binding
Grid / Client-side Binding and Caching
Please help