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Clicking on RadPane tab header in group does not set Focus to the Pane

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PaulR asked on 15 Jul 2016, 09:59 PM

Create a couple of RadPanes in one RadPaneGroup so that it shows the tab headers. Create another RadPaneGroup with a RadPane.

Put a RadTreeView in the first RadPane, populate with some items.

OK, select 1 of the TreeView items.

1. If you click on the RadPane header in the separate group to activate it, the selected TreeView item will switch to "SelectedUnfocused" state (turns gray).

2. Click back on the TreeView item to focus it again.

3. This time, click on the other RadPane tab in the same group. Click back on the pane tab header with the TreeView. In this case, the TreeView item is still blue (in a SelectedFocused state). But it actually is not "focused". At least not keyboard focused, so it should be gray.


Code I found :)

If you look in Docking.PaneHeader.OnMouseLeftButtonDown(), when the user selects a RadPaneGroup, Focus() will be called on that group. That is why the RadTreeViewItem turns gray in the first test.

But no such "Focus()" call can be found when only a RadPane is activated. To fix, I put a Focus() call in RadDocking.ActivePaneChanged event, but you may want to do it differently. :)




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answered on 20 Jul 2016, 12:14 PM
Hello Paul,

You are correct - focus is called for the pane group when mouse down is performed on a pane header.

If you wish to have the tree view item highlighted when the pane with a RadTreeView is activated the approach you've taken is correct.

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