because I don't need ImageArea, and only need ThumbnailsArea, so I hide ImageArea !
I need when user click each image (not scroll or next) at ThumbnailsArea, I can fire some client event , and wish get some information about user selected image. How can I do ?
<style type="text/css">
.RadImageGallery .rigActiveImage {
display:none !important;
<telerik:RadImageGallery ID="RadImageGallery1" runat="server" Width="550px" Height="100px" ImagesFolderPath="~\img\" >
<ThumbnailsAreaSettings ShowScrollButtons="true" Mode="Thumbnails" ScrollButtonsTrigger="Hover" Position="Top" ThumbnailsSpacing="10"/>
<ImageAreaSettings ShowDescriptionBox="False" ShowNextPrevImageButtons="False" />
<ToolbarSettings Position="None" ShowFullScreenButton="false" ShowSlideshowButton="false" ShowThumbnailsToggleButton="false" />