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Clear Selection by End-User - How?

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Dan asked on 04 Nov 2012, 04:41 AM
I have put several RadComboBoxes on a page.  The client had a user that selected bad entries.  How can the client remove the entries via the interface?

I am trying to use an iPad for the Client, and as I select the combobox, the keyboard doesn't pop-up.  Also, it seems the delete key on a computer doesn't clear the selection.  In my old days, we used a {ctrl}+0, to set the combobox back to null, but that didn't work either.  Can someone share what I should tell the user to clear the selection?


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Telerik team
answered on 08 Nov 2012, 08:41 AM
Hi Dan,

I tested the RadComboBox behavour with this online demo with IPad 3.
When I touch the control input of the first three combos - the keyboard appears as expected and I am able to delete the selection with the backspace key.
The last one combo is read-only - so the keyboard is not displayed – and this is correct.

Could you please make sure that there are no JavaScript errors on your page?
Additionally - could you please explain in more details what you mean by "user has selected bad entries"?
Are these entries displayed in control dropdown?

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