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Checkboxes not checking

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Jake asked on 23 Mar 2009, 03:05 PM
I am using a series of checkboxes, all with the same ID.  When using a form decorator, the checkboxes will not check.

From what I can ascertain based on demos and other forum posts, the form decorator is designed to work with a CheckBoxList control where labels are specified for each checkbox.  Unfortunately, this is not an option for me.

Is there a fix for this, or do I simply need to add ControlsToSkip="Checkbox" and not decorate my checkboxes?

Thanks in advance.


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Georgi Tunev
Telerik team
answered on 25 Mar 2009, 01:31 PM
Hi Jake,

The decorator control relies on the controls' IDs to be able to style them properly. Indeed in scenario like yours it is better not to use RadFormDecorator to style these checkboxes.

Best wishes,
Georgi Tunev
the Telerik team

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