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CheckBox Problem.

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Ryan asked on 05 Feb 2009, 05:22 PM
Here is a link my recent, but also current problem: Recent RadGrid post relative to this.

In the interum I have created a function to store the checked boxes and retrieve the ID's for said checks.

I have added teleriks code for ItemCreated and ItemPreRender (see below);
Protected Sub RG2_ItemCreated(ByVal sender As ObjectByVal e As GridItemEventArgs) Handles RG2.ItemCreated  
        If TypeOf e.Item Is GridDataItem Then 
            AddHandler e.Item.PreRender, AddressOf RG2_ItemPreRender  
        End If 
    End Sub 
    Protected Sub RG2_ItemPreRender(ByVal sender As ObjectByVal e As EventArgs)  
        CType(CType(sender, GridDataItem)("CheckBoxTemplateColumn").FindControl("chkbxFacility"), CheckBox).Checked = CType(sender, GridDataItem).Selected  
    End Sub 
My new error is "Unable to cast object of type 'Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid' to type 'Telerik.Web.UI.GridDataItem'", so what gives.

Even with my new method, to track each check and uncheck, no data fills the RadGrid. Actually, the grid shows up with only the header column showing.

Another minor problem is when I fill the last RadGrid with data (forced), if I check the select all check box nothing happens, yet if check the internal rows they select all...I can't seem to figure this issue.

Here is how I pull and convert, keep track of the checks and changes to my data;
For Each ID As String In facilityID  
                IDList += ID & "," 
            IDList.Remove(IDList.LastIndexOf(","), 1)  
'Track the checks  
Dim facilityID As New List(Of String)  
        For Each dataItem As GridDataItem In RG3.MasterTableView.Items  
            If CType(dataItem.FindControl("chkbxFacility"), CheckBox).Checked = True Then 
            End If 
        Return facilityID  
'function for any changes or additions  
If (CType(sender, CheckBox)).Checked Then 
            For Each dataItem As GridDataItem In RG2.MasterTableView.Items  
                CType(dataItem.FindControl("chkbxFacility"), CheckBox).Checked = True 
                dataItem.Selected = True 
            For Each dataItem As GridDataItem In RG2.MasterTableView.Items  
                CType(dataItem.FindControl("chkbxFacility"), CheckBox).Checked = False 
                dataItem.Selected = False 
        End If 
        'Make alternate call to FillDepartment to recognize any changes to the facility check box list  

Any help with all or some would be greatly appreciated.



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Georgi Krustev
Telerik team
answered on 09 Feb 2009, 05:48 PM
Hello Ryan,

I was able to implement your approach, and successfully find and check the ASP CheckBox. Please review the following code snippet:
    Protected Sub RadGrid1_ItemCreated(ByVal sender As ObjectByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridItemEventArgs) Handles RadGrid1.ItemCreated 
        If TypeOf e.Item Is GridDataItem Then 
            AddHandler e.Item.PreRender, AddressOf RadGrid1_ItemPreRender 
        End If 
    End Sub 
    Protected Sub RadGrid1_ItemPreRender(ByVal sender As ObjectByVal e As EventArgs) 
        DirectCast(DirectCast(sender, Telerik.Web.UI.GridDataItem)("CheckBoxTemplateColumn").FindControl("chkbxFacility"), CheckBox).Checked = True '"set the proper value" 
    End Sub 
I will suggest you use the DirectCast method, rather than CType.

You can use the same approach in the ItemPreRender event handler for your custom method.

Best regards,
Georgi Krustev
the Telerik team

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Georgi Krustev
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