i am trying to add custom tooltip to the series points of line chart.
I can easily add normal tooltips but what i am trying to achieve is when the user mouse-overs the point, a tooltip is displayed containing my ascx control within it.
I am trying to add the series point to the radtooltipmanager.targetcontrols but am having no luck as yet...
Is this possible ? or does the radchart only provide text tooltips ?
I could display a radwindow on the chart click but would much rather have my custom tooltip with my control ( of another mini chart !)
Any Ideas please ?
i am trying to add custom tooltip to the series points of line chart.
I can easily add normal tooltips but what i am trying to achieve is when the user mouse-overs the point, a tooltip is displayed containing my ascx control within it.
I am trying to add the series point to the radtooltipmanager.targetcontrols but am having no luck as yet...
Is this possible ? or does the radchart only provide text tooltips ?
I could display a radwindow on the chart click but would much rather have my custom tooltip with my control ( of another mini chart !)
Any Ideas please ?