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Changing positioning of the remove and submit button in CustomizingRadProgressAreaUI,CustomizingRadUploadUI.

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R.A. Ramkumar
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R.A. Ramkumar asked on 10 Mar 2009, 09:17 AM


I am using CustomizingRadProgressAreaUI radUpload. Also I am using the UI from CustomizingRadUploadUI.
In the UI it is referring to the Removebutton Image.
aspx Code is as below:
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<rad:radupload SkinsPath="~/RadControls/Upload/Skins" id="Radupload1" runat="server" initialfileinputscount="1" />

 <rad:radprogressarea id="RadprogressArea1" runat="server" displaycancelbutton="True"></rad:radprogressarea>



 <div style="float:right;margin-right:9px;height:132px;width:250px;" class="module">

 <asp:label id="labelNoResults" runat="server" visible="True">No uploaded files yet</asp:label>

 <asp:repeater id="reportResults" runat="server" visible="False">



Uploaded files:

<br /> </headertemplate>

<itemtemplate>'<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "FileName")%>'

( '<%


#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ContentLength").ToString() + " bytes"%>'

)<br /> 


</div> </td></tr> </table>

 &nbsp;&nbsp;<asp:button id="buttonSubmit" class="RadUploadButton" runat="server" text="Submit" />
in .cs for handling UI of the RadUpload I have written code as below:

Radupload1.ControlObjectsVisibility = ControlObjectsVisibility.None;


//Radupload1.ControlObjectsVisibility = ControlObjectsVisibility.CheckBoxes;

Radupload1.ControlObjectsVisibility |= ControlObjectsVisibility.RemoveButtons;


//Radupload1.ControlObjectsVisibility |= ControlObjectsVisibility.ClearButtons;

Radupload1.ControlObjectsVisibility |= ControlObjectsVisibility.AddButton;

 //Radupload1.ControlObjectsVisibility |= ControlObjectsVisibility.DeleteSelectedButton;


I have following question:
1) I want to change look and feel of the UI , bychanging positioning of the of the remove button in the same line where Add button.
2) Also, I want there should not be any Add button and when user will click on browse button and select any image then , this should automatically add new row at the bottom insted of user clicking on Add button. How can I achieve this?
3)The remove button which is at the right side of the browse button, I want to change the positioning of that button and want to place it at the left side.

How can I implement all above three.
Please Reply.

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Telerik team
answered on 10 Mar 2009, 02:11 PM
Hi R.A. Ramkumar,

We have already replied to these questions in a ticket opened from account.

In addition, please note that all forum posts and support tickets are reviewed by the Telerik support staff and you will get the needed attention. Posting the same question in several places slows us down in our responses as we need to review all of them and write back, losing valuable minutes. This in turn results in slower response times and poorer service. We appreciate your understanding in this matter and look forward to providing you with the best support!

the Telerik team

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R.A. Ramkumar
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Telerik team
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