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Changing drag and drop image?

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Ian asked on 04 Aug 2008, 09:31 PM
I am implementing a drag and drop interface with RadGrid. It is necessary that when dragging/dropping multiple rows, instead of displaying all the rows contents, the DIV that moves around with the cursor is a picture of three boxes on top of each other, with a paragraph in the DIV that states how many rows are being dragged.

The native behavior has been approved for dragging a single row, so I don't want to modify the behavior of that at all, I just want to change the way that the RadGrid handles dragging multiple rows.

I am not sure if I've described this clearly, so feel free to ask any additional questions you need.

Thanks in advance!

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Telerik team
answered on 05 Aug 2008, 12:31 PM
Hi Ian,

Unfortunately, the requested functionality is not possible, with the present version of the control. The control internally renders the draggable selection as a collection of all the items selected prior to starting the drag operation. There is no option to change the rendered items, nor is there any api to replace the dragged items, due to the complexity of the functionality.

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