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Change Token colors

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Ratzai asked on 12 Nov 2012, 03:04 PM
I have tried to change the ForeColor and BackColor of a RACB token, but the styling doesn't appear when i add the tokens. Is it not possible to change the colors from code-behind?

Here is my code:

foreach (string chemical in chemicalsArrayList)
    AutoCompleteBoxEntry entry = new AutoCompleteBoxEntry();
    chemicalBC = BCFactory.ChemicalBC;
    DataSet dsClassifications = chemicalBC.GetClassificationByChemicalName(chemical);
    entry.Text = chemical;
    if (dsClassifications.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
        entry.ToolTip = dsClassifications.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString();
        entry.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + dsClassifications.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Color"].ToString());
        entry.ToolTip = "";

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Telerik team
answered on 15 Nov 2012, 01:49 PM
Hi Ratzai,

Changing the background color of a RadAutoCompleteBox entry is not a supported scenario.

However you can try implementing client-side logic with JavaScript and change it.
I can suggest you handle the OnClientEntryAdding event and add a custom CSS to the entry token element in this way:

<head runat="server">
     <style type="text/css">
         div.RadAutoCompleteBox_Default .racBlueToken
            background-color: #25A0DA;
            border-color: #25A0DA;
            color: #000;
     <script type="text/javascript">
        function onClientEntryAdded(sender, eventArgs)
            var $ = $telerik.$;
            var entry = eventArgs.get_entry();
            var tokenElement = eventArgs.get_entry().get_token();
            if(entry.get_text() == "Andrew")
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:ScriptManager ID="manager" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
            <telerik:RadAutoCompleteBox runat="server" ID="RadAutoCompleteBox2"
                DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" OnClientEntryAdded="onClientEntryAdded"
                AllowCustomEntry="true"  DataTextField="FirstName" InputType="Token">
          <asp:SqlDataSource runat="server" ID="SqlDataSource1"
               ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthwindConnectionString1 %>"
              SelectCommand="SELECT [FirstName], [LastName], [EmployeeID] FROM [Employees]" />

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answered on 24 Jan 2020, 09:03 AM

Hi, i know this is an old post but unfortunately i am dealing with the same issue, and i'm trying to figure out if this scenario of changing the color token from server-side is supported now.
I want to set the token color and it seems that the entry has BackColor option but doesn't change the color.


My code:

protected void Entry_EntryAdded(object sender, AutoCompleteEntryEventArgs e)     


    e.Entry.BackColor = Color.Red;     




Peter Milchev
Telerik team
answered on 28 Jan 2020, 03:46 PM


You can add custom attributes which you can access in the OnClientEntryAdded event and style it with JavaScript: 

protected void RadAutoCompleteBox1_EntryAdded(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.AutoCompleteEntryEventArgs e)
    e.Entry.Attributes.Add("data-backcolor", "red");

function OnClientEntryAdded(sender, args) {
    var entry = args.get_entry();
    var tokenElement = entry.get_token();
    var backcolor = args.get_entry().get_attributes().getAttribute("data-backcolor");
if (backcolor) { = "none"; = backcolor; } }

Peter Milchev
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Peter Milchev
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