I have 3 questions actually. Dont know the idea of posting it in the same thread is good or not. Please suggest. Below are my questions :
1. How to change the background color of groups (not the group items) based upon groups type user is selecting. Please see screen shot (ColoredGroups.png).
2. I want to define the height or vertical distance of node / groups from the parent nodes or show it horizontally but little below from parent node . Because of an obvious fact that the secretary of the CEO cannot be shown at the same level with other heads reporting to CEO in a real time Organization Chart. Please see LineHeight.png
3. PDF Export, I want to export the chart with titles and legends for groups and group items (customize PDF before exporting). Cannot export the html page using RadExport content because I am showing the RadOrgChart in RadSplitter center pane (fixed pane), left pane (sliding pane) has chart values (Titles and all) and right pane (also sliding pane) shows the tree of elements showing in the chart. I need to export only center page and its has only OrgChart nothing else. The left and right panes are sliding to proivde more space for the OrgChart to view (center pane).
I appreciate your kind help.