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Change background color of part of a RadMenu item?

2 Answers 476 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
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Mike asked on 15 Sep 2008, 12:38 AM

I'm having an issue changing the color of the right-most part of the first menu item in a vertical RadMenu.

Screen Shot of Issue

This is the first time I've modified a Telerik control's CSS.

I'ver modified a copy of the Default.RadMenu_Default.cs file.

I have a vertical menu and I want the menu items to have a white background with black text.

I was successful to the point where the only background that is not white is the background of the space? to the right of the text on the first menu item.  See screen shot.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.


CSS follows:


* RadMenu Default skin */




border: 1px solid White;

border-bottom-width: 0;

border-top-color: White ;

background-color: White;

text-align: left;






text-align: right;






background: none;

border: 0;



.RadMenu_Default a



text-decoration: none;



.RadMenu_Default .rmLink



line-height: 24px;

text-decoration: none;

color: Black ;



.RadMenu_Default .rmLink:focus,


.RadMenu_Default .rmFocused



outline: 0;



.RadMenu_Default .rmExpanded



position: relative;

z-index: 10000;



.RadMenu_Default .rmLink:hover,


.RadMenu_Default .rmFocused,


.RadMenu_Default .rmExpanded



background-color: White;

color: Black;



.RadMenu_Default .rmLink .rmText



font: normal 12px Arial, sans-serif;



.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup



background: White;



.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmLink



text-decoration: none;

color: White;



.RadMenu_Default_rtl .rmGroup .rmLink



text-align: right;



.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmLink:hover,


.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmFocused,


.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmExpanded



color: White;

background: White;



.RadMenu_Default .rmText



padding: 3px 20px 5px;



.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmLink .rmText



font-size: 11px;

padding: 4px 37px 5px 20px;



.RadMenu_Default_rtl .rmGroup .rmLink .rmText



padding: 4px 20px 5px 37px;



/* <expand arrows styling> */


.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmLink .rmExpandRight



background: transparent url(Menu/ArrowExpand.gif) no-repeat right -1px;



.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmLink .rmExpandLeft



background: transparent url(Menu/ArrowExpandRTL.gif) no-repeat left -1px;




.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmLink:hover .rmExpandRight,


.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmFocused .rmExpandRight,


.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmExpanded .rmExpandRight



background-image: url(Menu/ArrowExpandHovered.gif);



.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmLink:hover .rmExpandLeft,


.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmFocused .rmExpandLeft,


.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmExpanded .rmExpandLeft



background-image: url(Menu/ArrowExpandHoveredRTL.gif);



/* </expand arrows styling> */


.RadMenu_Default .rmHorizontal .rmItem { border-right: 1px solid White; padding-bottom:1px; }


.RadMenu_Default .rmHorizontal .rmLast { border-right: 0; }


.RadMenu_Default .rmVertical .rmItem { border-bottom: 1px solid White; }


.RadMenu_Default .rmVertical .rmLast { border-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 1px; }


.RadMenu_Default_rtl .rmHorizontal .rmItem { border-left: 0; }


.RadMenu_Default .rmRootGroup .rmGroup .rmItem,


.RadMenu_Default_Context .rmGroup .rmItem


{ border-right: 0; border-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 0; }


.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup



border: 0px solid White;

background-color: White;



.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmExpanded



z-index: 1;



.RadMenu_Default .rmTopArrow,


.RadMenu_Default .rmBottomArrow



height: 10px;

width: 100%;




.RadMenu_Default .rmBottomArrow



background-position: center -18px;



.RadMenu_Default .rmLeftArrow,


.RadMenu_Default .rmRightArrow



width: 10px;

height: 100%;




.RadMenu_Default .rmRightArrow



background-position: -18px center;



.RadMenu_Default .rmItem .rmDisabled .rmText



color: White;



.RadMenu_Default .rmRootGroup .rmItem .rmDisabled



background: none;



.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmItem .rmDisabled



background-color: White;



.RadMenu_Default .rmRootGroup .rmSeparator,


.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmSeparator



background: White;

border-top: 1px solid White;

border-bottom: 0;



.RadMenu_Default .rmSeparator .rmText



display: none;



.RadMenu_Default .rmHorizontal .rmSeparator



height: 20px;

width: 1px;

line-height: 20px;

border: 0;



.RadMenu_Default .rmVertical .rmSeparator



height: 1px;

margin: 3px 0;

border: 0;

line-height: 1px;



.RadMenu_Default .rmLeftImage



margin: 2px;



.RadMenu_Default .rmSlide



margin: -1px 0 0 -1px !important;



.RadMenu_Default .rmHorizontal .rmSlide



margin-top: -2px !important;



.RadMenu_Default_rtl .rmSlide



margin-left: 0 !important;

margin-right: -1px !important;



.RadMenu_Default .rmGroup .rmSlide



margin: 0 !important;



.RadMenu_Default .rmItem .rmDisabled:hover



background: none;



.RadMenu_Default .rmItem





2 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Alex Gyoshev
Telerik team
answered on 15 Sep 2008, 09:55 AM
Hi Mike,

Please try the following CSS:
div.RadMenu_Default {
   background-image: none;

It should resolve the problem. Also, please consider using external skins - this will improve performance greatly and will reduce CSS code debt.

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answered on 15 Sep 2008, 01:16 PM
That worked - thank you very much Alex.

Now I'm going to switch to an external skin as you suggested.

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Answers by
Alex Gyoshev
Telerik team
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