I have a little problem with empty cells.
If I set a cell to "" the cell return  
I understand this.
I would like to know if there is a way that cell.text return nothing.
Actualy I have to put a lot of if in order to have the good result.
Each item As GridDataItem In Grille.Items
If item.Selected Then
If item("Tel.").Text <> " " Then ZTel.Text = item("Tel.").Text Else ZTel.Text = ""
If item("Nom").Text <> " " Then ZNom.Text = item("Nom").Text Else ZNom.Text = ""
If item("Soc").Text <> " " Then ZSoc.Text = item("Soc").Text Else ZSoc.Text = ""
If item("Lieu").Text <> " " Then Zlocal.Text = item("Lieu").Text Else Zlocal.Text = ""
If item("Prenom").Text <> " " Then ZPrenom.Text = item("Prenom").Text Else ZPrenom.Text = ""
If item("Gsm").Text <> " " Then Zgsm.Text = item("Gsm").Text Else Zgsm.Text = ""
If item("Servic").Text <> " " Then Zservice.Text = item("Servic").Text Else Zservice.Text = ""
If item("email").Text <> " " Then Zemail.Text = item("email").Text Else Zemail.Text = ""
If item("titre").Text <> " " Then Ztitre.Text = item("titre").Text Else Ztitre.Text = ""
If item("Sam").Text <> " " Then ZSamSec.Text = item("Sam").Text Else ZSamSec.Text = ""
If item("Sec").Text <> " " Then Zsec.Text = item("Sec").Text Else Zsec.Text = ""
If item("Telsec").Text <> " " Then Zsectel.Text = item("Telsec").Text Else Zsectel.Text = ""
Exit For
End If
Is there a best way ???
Thanks all