Hello, I am using a custom field editor that has a strongly type class value. When I try to retrieve the value, the casing fails.
public override System.Collections.ArrayList ExtractValues()
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
MyData = new FilterElement();
MyData.Param = "kowkowkow";
return list;
FilterElement condition = ((Telerik.Web.UI.RadFilterEqualToFilterExpression<
FilterElement needed to implement IConvertible, so it does. But I don't have any idea why it would need to or even try converting the class to a string.
Error message is: Unable to cast object of type 'Telerik.Web.UI.RadFilterEqualToFilterExpression`1[System.String]' to type 'Telerik.Web.UI.RadFilterEqualToFilterExpression`1[FilterElement]'
Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!