I have a RadGrid in Batch Edit mode with three drop down columns (I have tried this with both GridDropDownColumn and GridTemplateColumn containing a DropDownList control). The problem is that I need to populate each subsequent column based on what is selected in the previous one.
For example, if the first column has options A, B and C, and the user picks A, the second column is populated with D and E. If the user picks B, the second column is populated with F, G and H. And if the user picks A is the first column, and E in the second column, the third column is populated with I, J, K and L.
The datasource for the RadGrid is a List<class> structure where each row is an instance of the class. The class contains the selected value and options for the first dropdownlist. When the value of the first column is set in the class, the class setter for it updates the option values used in the second column and if the current second column value is no longer an option, sets it to the first entry in the second column options. Once the second column is set, the same thing happens for the third column's value and options. Therefore, each row could have different values for the second and third dropdownlists based on what is selected in the first dropdownlist of each row.
Can I do this in Batch Edit mode or do I have to do something like InPlace mode instead? I prefer the user experience in Batch Edit mode, but JavaScript is not my strong point. Using the pre-render event (either RadGrid's when I use GridDropDownColumns or the DropDownList control's when I use a template column), I can easily populate the first column with the right options, but I am having trouble populating and setting values in the subsequent columns.