I just began using RadGrid and love it. I have the basic functionality down, but what to go a bit further. What I have now is just a basic Grid with CardView. What I want is to have a separate dropdown that when a user selection an item it will update my Grid. Here is my code I have now (mostly taken from the Telerik site). Any help would help me get started.
I just began using RadGrid and love it. I have the basic functionality down, but what to go a bit further. What I have now is just a basic Grid with CardView. What I want is to have a separate dropdown that when a user selection an item it will update my Grid. Here is my code I have now (mostly taken from the Telerik site). Any help would help me get started.
<!-- content start --> |
<telerik:RadAjaxManager ID="RadAjaxManager1" runat="server"> |
<AjaxSettings> |
<telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="RadGrid1"> |
<UpdatedControls> |
<telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="RadGrid1" LoadingPanelID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" /> |
</UpdatedControls> |
</telerik:AjaxSetting> |
</AjaxSettings> |
</telerik:RadAjaxManager> |
<telerik:RadAjaxLoadingPanel ID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" runat="server" Height="75px" |
Width="75px" Transparency="5"> |
<img style="margin-top: 150px;" alt="Loading..." src='<%= RadAjaxLoadingPanel.GetWebResourceUrl(Page, "Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.Default.Ajax.loading4.gif") %>' /> |
</telerik:RadAjaxLoadingPanel> |
<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" |
AllowPaging="True" runat="server" Skin="Forest" GridLines="None" |
Height="1700px"> |
<HeaderContextMenu Skin="Vista"> |
<CollapseAnimation Type="OutQuint" Duration="200"></CollapseAnimation> |
</HeaderContextMenu> |
<PagerStyle Mode="NextPrevAndNumeric" /> |
<MasterTableView TableLayout="Fixed"> |
<ItemTemplate> |
<asp:Image ID="Image1" Style="float: left;" Width="200px" Height="150px" ImageUrl='<%# "~/App_Data/inventory_images/" + Eval("picture") %>' |
runat="server" AlternateText="Stock Image" /> |
<div> |
<span style="font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial Black;">Price:</span> |
<%# Eval("price")%> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Name:</span> |
<%# Eval("pdname")%> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Description:</span> |
<%# Eval("description")%> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
</div> |
</ItemTemplate> |
<%--<GroupByExpressions> |
<telerik:GridGroupByExpression> |
<SelectFields> |
<telerik:GridGroupByField FieldName="Quantity" /> |
</SelectFields> |
<GroupByFields> |
<telerik:GridGroupByField FieldName="Quantity" /> |
</GroupByFields> |
</telerik:GridGroupByExpression> |
</GroupByExpressions>--%> |
</MasterTableView> |
<ClientSettings AllowDragToGroup="true"> |
<Scrolling AllowScroll="true" UseStaticHeaders="true" /> |
</ClientSettings> |
<FilterMenu Skin="Vista"> |
<CollapseAnimation Type="OutQuint" Duration="200"></CollapseAnimation> |
</FilterMenu> |
</telerik:RadGrid> |
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" |
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" |
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>" |
SelectCommand="SELECT [pdname], [description], [picture], [price] FROM [master]"> |
</asp:SqlDataSource> |
<!-- content end --> |