I need help in implementing telerik bar chart (Horizontal).
Chart Details :
I have horizontal bar charts with bars on both the sides +Ve X Axis and
-Ve X Axis. Bars are overlapping in center. i.e. I am graphically
representing the negative as well as positive values.
2. Only X axis values are concerned for plottinfg the chart.
3. Bar length is nothing but the -X position in left side and +X position in right side.
4. I dont want any caption\interval on Y Axis.
5. Instead of captions\Intervals I want name of the bars e.g. Sunday, Monday.....aligned properly
Following are the Code\ Markup I am using for generating the Bar Chart. Also I have attached the screen shot of my bar chart with explanation of desired look.
Following are the Code\ Markup I am using for generating the Bar Chart. Also I have attached the screen shot of my bar chart with explanation of desired look.
1. Markup :
Skin="Hay" ID="barChart1" runat="server" SeriesOrientation="Horizontal"
Width="600px" Height="2000px" AutoLayout="true">
<PlotArea >
<YAxis >
<XAxis ></XAxis>
2. C# Code :
A. I am creating three Arrays
a. Array containing name of each horizontal bars
b. Array containg the yValues for the Left hand Side of the Bars (-VE X Axis)
c. Array containg the yValues for the Right hand Side of the Bars (+VE X Axis)
I have written a method which returns RadChartSeries and takes Name of
the Seies, yValues (Array), Caption for Bars (Array), Color
private ChartSeries GetChartSeries(string titleText, string[] blockName, double[] yValues, Color color,bool displayCaption)
ChartSeries chartSeries = new ChartSeries();
chartSeries.Appearance.FillStyle.MainColor = color;
chartSeries.Appearance.FillStyle.FillType = Telerik.Charting.Styles.FillType.Solid;
chartSeries.Name = titleText;
chartSeries.Appearance.LegendDisplayMode = ChartSeriesLegendDisplayMode.SeriesName;
chartSeries.Appearance.ShowLabels = true;
chartSeries.Appearance.LabelAppearance.Visible = true;
chartSeries.Appearance.LegendDisplayMode = ChartSeriesLegendDisplayMode.SeriesName ;
chartSeries.Appearance.LabelAppearance.LabelLocation =
int items = blockName.Length;
ChartSeriesItem[] chartSeriesItems = new ChartSeriesItem[items];
for (int i = 0; i < items; i++)
chartSeriesItems[i] = new ChartSeriesItem();
chartSeriesItems[i].Name = blockName[i];
chartSeriesItems[i].Label.TextBlock.Text = blockName[i] + "(" + yValues[i].ToString() + " % )";
//chartSeriesItems[i].Label.TextBlock.Text = yValues[i].ToString() + " %";
chartSeriesItems[i].YValue = yValues[i];
return chartSeries;
C. Now the ChartSeries obtained from above method I am adding to my Rad Chart
barChart1.Appearance.FillStyle.MainColor = Color.White;
barChart1.Appearance.ImageQuality = Telerik.Charting.Styles.ImageQuality.None;
barChart1.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "Original TCO = " + Math.Round(tcoBaseValue, 2).ToString();
barChart1.Appearance.BarOverlapPercent = 100;
barChart1.AddChartSeries(GetChartSeries("-5% Change", blockCaption, yValuesL, Color.Yellow, true));
barChart1.AddChartSeries(GetChartSeries("+5% Change", blockCaption, yValuesR, Color.Blue, false));
I am getting the bar chart (Attached). I want the captions to be moved
into Left most side where Graph Scale\ Intervals used to be displayed.
Thanks and Regards...
Ashish Tripathi..
Thanks and Regards...
Ashish Tripathi..