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Cannot seem to set a Default Value to combobox

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Tim asked on 18 Oct 2012, 07:12 PM
The below code works on another page but the CountryCombo always says Afghanistan (alpha order) when in InsertMode.  This is a radWindow page, hence the querystrings at the beginning.  I've attached everything so the page lifecycle is clear.  For some reason ItemCreated always fires twice, and when I step though, I see it Select the correct record, but when the form displays, it always says Afghanistan.

  Private Sub Page_Init(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
        recipientOrganizationID = Request.QueryString.Get("ID")
        DisplyMode = Request.QueryString.Get("show")
        If recipientOrganizationID = Nothing AndAlso DisplyMode Is Nothing Then
            For i = 0 To RecipientOrganizationView.PageSize - 1
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub RecipientOrganizationView_ItemCreated(sender As Object, e As Telerik.Web.UI.RadListViewItemEventArgs) Handles RecipientOrganizationView.ItemCreated
        If TypeOf e.Item Is RadListViewEditableItem AndAlso e.Item.IsInEditMode Then
            'if the item is in edit mode
            Dim editItem As RadListViewEditableItem = DirectCast(e.Item, RadListViewEditableItem)
            Dim CountryCombo As RadComboBox = DirectCast(editItem.FindControl("CountryCombo"), RadComboBox)
            CountryCombo.AutoPostBack = True
            Dim ProvinceCombo As RadComboBox = DirectCast(editItem.FindControl("ProvinceCombo"), RadComboBox)
            ProvinceCombo.AutoPostBack = True
            AddHandler CountryCombo.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf CountryCombo_SelectedIndexChanged
            AddHandler ProvinceCombo.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf ProvinceCombo_SelectedIndexChanged
        End If
        If TypeOf e.Item Is RadListViewInsertItem Then
            Dim editItem As RadListViewEditableItem = DirectCast(e.Item, RadListViewEditableItem)
            Dim CountryCombo As RadComboBox = DirectCast(editItem.FindControl("CountryCombo"), RadComboBox)
            SetComboBoxDefault(43, CountryCombo, "Country")
            'Dim ComboBoxItem As RadComboBoxItem = CountryCombo.FindItemByValue(43)
            'ComboBoxItem.Selected = True
        End If
    End Sub
 Private Sub RecipientOrganizationView_ItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As Telerik.Web.UI.RadListViewItemEventArgs) Handles RecipientOrganizationView.ItemDataBound
        If TypeOf e.Item Is RadListViewEditableItem AndAlso e.Item.IsInEditMode Then
            Dim item As RadListViewDataItem = TryCast(e.Item, RadListViewDataItem)
            Dim CountryId As String = CType(DataBinder.Eval(item.DataItem, "CountryId"), String)
            Dim ProvinceId As String = CType(DataBinder.Eval(item.DataItem, "ProvinceId"), String)
            Dim CityId As String = CType(DataBinder.Eval(item.DataItem, "CityId"), String)
            Dim CountryCombo As RadComboBox = CType(e.Item.FindControl("CountryCombo"), RadComboBox)
            If CountryId IsNot Nothing Then
                Dim ComboBoxItem As RadComboBoxItem = CountryCombo.FindItemByValue(CountryId)
                ComboBoxItem.Selected = True
            End If
            Dim ProvinceCombo As RadComboBox = CType(e.Item.FindControl("ProvinceCombo"), RadComboBox)
            LoadProvinces(CountryId, ProvinceCombo)
            If ProvinceId IsNot Nothing Then
                Dim ComboBoxItem As RadComboBoxItem = ProvinceCombo.FindItemByValue(ProvinceId)
                ComboBoxItem.Selected = True
            End If
            Dim CityCombo As RadComboBox = CType(e.Item.FindControl("CityCombo"), RadComboBox)
            LoadCities(ProvinceId, CityCombo)
            If CityId IsNot Nothing Then
                Dim ComboBoxItem As RadComboBoxItem = CityCombo.FindItemByValue(CityId)
                ComboBoxItem.Selected = True
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub RecipientOrganizationView_NeedDataSource(sender As Object, e As Telerik.Web.UI.RadListViewNeedDataSourceEventArgs) Handles RecipientOrganizationView.NeedDataSource
        Dim repository As New DataEntities
        RecipientOrganizationView.DataSource = repository.RecipientOrganizations.Where(Function(x) x.RecipientOrganizationID = recipientOrganizationID).ToList
    End Sub
Public Sub CountryCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RadComboBoxSelectedIndexChangedEventArgs)
        Dim btn = CType(sender, RadComboBox)
        Dim item = CType(btn.NamingContainer, RadListViewEditableItem)
        Dim Combo As RadComboBox = CType(item.FindControl("ProvinceCombo"), RadComboBox)
        LoadProvinces(e.Value, Combo)
    End Sub
Protected Sub LoadCountries(ByVal Control As RadComboBox)
        Using context As New DataEntities
            With Control
                .DataValueField = "CountryId"
                .DataTextField = "CountryName"
                .DataSource = context.Countries.OrderBy(Function(x) x.CountryName).ToList
            End With
            Control.Width = Unit.Pixel(225)
        End Using
    End Sub
   ''' <summary>
    ''' Checks to see of the Provice/State or Country combox should have Preselected data, otherwise Default Data is Presented
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="FindItemByValue"></param>
    ''' <param name="Control"></param>
    ''' <param name="DisplayText"></param>
    Public Sub SetComboBoxDefault(ByVal FindItemByValue As Integer, ByVal Control As RadComboBox, ByVal DisplayText As String)
        Dim ComboBoxItem As RadComboBoxItem
        If FindItemByValue > 0 Then
            ComboBoxItem = Control.FindItemByValue(FindItemByValue)
            If ComboBoxItem IsNot Nothing Then
                ComboBoxItem.Selected = True
                Control.Items.Insert(0, New RadComboBoxItem("-- Please select a " & DisplayText & " --", String.Empty))
            End If
            Control.Items.Insert(0, New RadComboBoxItem("-- Please select a " & DisplayText & " --", String.Empty))
        End If
    End Sub

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Telerik team
answered on 23 Oct 2012, 01:42 PM
Hi Tim,

Unfortunately, the provided snippet of code is not sufficient to determine what might cause the problematic behavior. Could you provide us a runnable sample which demonstrates the problem? In addition, I could suggest you to check if you register the ItemCreated event in the markup as you do in the code behind, because this could cause the event firing twice.

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the Telerik team
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