Cannot find telerikReportViewer file

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.NET Framework Report Viewer - ASP.NET Report Viewer - HTML5
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Ryan asked on 10 Sep 2024, 04:46 PM | edited on 10 Sep 2024, 04:55 PM

I'm upgrading all of the Telerik packages in an application to the latest version. The final piece is to get ahold of the files telerikReportViewer.kendo- and telerikReportViewer-

I've tried following the instructions to use the CDN: Using CDN - Download and Installation - Kendo UI for jQuery ( I'm not finding these files there. 

I also read this article: HTML5 Report Viewer Requirements and Browser Support - Telerik Reporting. It states that these files are served by default from the Telerik Reporting REST Service, but I'm having a hard time understanding the process of actually getting them. 

It seems that, for the previous version, we had local copies of these files in our project. I'm not sure where we got them from. Can anyone provide instructions on where to find these files? 

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Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
answered on 10 Sep 2024, 09:01 PM

Hi Ryan,

The approach you're describing, where you individually reference specific files, is only for older versions of the HTML5 ReportViewer. We no longer require this kind of resource management.

Instead, all you need to do is point to the folder location of the Reporting REST service and the ReportViewer does the heavy lifting of looking for the correct resource files it needs.

<script src="/api/reports/resources/js/telerikReportViewer"></script>

You should be doing this in the <head> of the app, but it could also be done on the page where the ReportViewer lives. 

For a real-world example, see how I do it here => 

To wrap this up, I'll try to simplify my answer in two bullets points:

  • Remove any direct paths to older js files for the ReportViewer (those are the wrong version and old approach)
  • Add a path to the reportViewer resources directory (the script tag in my code example above)

Please let me know if you have any further questions.


Side Note: If the application is not also the host of the Reporting REST service, then you must complete the rest of the URL for the path. For example, if it is a Report Viewer that is pointing to a Report Server installation somewhere else, then you follow these directions Using HTML5 Report Viewer with Telerik Report Server - Telerik Reporting.

Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Progress Telerik

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.NET Framework Report Viewer - ASP.NET Report Viewer - HTML5
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Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
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