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Can't add items to toolbox in Visual Studio 2008

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Walter Harris
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Rank 1
Walter Harris asked on 06 Mar 2009, 07:06 PM
I have tried for several days now to install the RAD controls in my toolbox in VS2008 Team Edition.  The installation program does not work.  It does install correctly in 2005 however.  I tried to run the toolboxinstaller.exe in the Telerik folder.  That doesn't work.  I made sure that the dll is in the GAC and it is.  When trying to manually add the items to the toolbox via hitting browse, I can select the 3.5 dll and it show the items selected in teh Choose Toolbox Items dialog.  As soon as I hit OK, the computer locks up and it doesn't add any controls.  I'm getting really disgusted as I have another teammate that has the identical system config as mine, and his worked correctly in the install.

As per another thread, I have also tried the Show All select/deselect to no avail.  I'm about to say nevermind

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Telerik team
answered on 09 Mar 2009, 07:08 AM
Hi Walter,

Have you tried uninstalling and installing the controls? Another option I can suggest you is to drag the .dll file directly in your VS2008 toolbox. I hope this helps.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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Walter Harris
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answered on 09 Mar 2009, 12:23 PM
Well, I tried that and that didn't work...

I ended up manually adding them to the toolbar, but it took an hour even though it appeared to lock up my machine while it was doing it.  My machine is relatively new so the only thing I can think of is that there's something causing issues and will have our Desktop Support group look at it or replace it.  As I said, another developer has a license with the same basic machine and it went fine... 
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answered on 12 Mar 2009, 08:13 PM
I had a similar problem.

I uninstalled the previous version of the RadControls then ran the full installer.  I went to VS 2008 and my RadControls Toolbox was gone.  I closed VS and ran the stand alone toolbox installer, but nothing was added.  I then tried to add in manually using the Choose Items.  This would cause VS 2008 to crash.

The only way that I could get it to work was to start VS in safemode, then add it with the Choose Items.
Cliff Eby
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Rank 1
answered on 16 Mar 2009, 08:29 PM
I have a similar problem.  Tried devenv /safemode - I couldn't use WPF and the Windows application "restarted" on selecting Toolbox, Choose.  I'm dead in the water on all RadTools.
Cliff Eby
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Rank 1
answered on 16 Mar 2009, 08:47 PM
Now able to add WPF RadTools.  Here's what I did:
1.  Opened a Windows Form project and Reset the toolbox.  Then able to add a RadTool through Toolbox, Choose.
2,  Opened a WPF project and was able to use the Toolbox, Choose option for any WPF RadTool.

BTW, Reset never helped in the WPF mode.
Cliff Eby
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Rank 1
answered on 24 Mar 2009, 02:05 PM
Problems returned.  Can't add tools to my WPF app.  No problem with WindowsForms apps.  Previous reset solution does not solve issue.  Any forecast on when this will be corrected?  Are there similar problems with Silverlight apps.?
Hristo Deshev
Telerik team
answered on 26 Mar 2009, 10:18 AM
Hello Cliff Eby,

Does the toolbox problem appear on different machines? I have been trying to reproduce it on several Vista and XP machines here at the office, both 32-bit and 64-bit, with no success.

One thing you can try is check if you have the registry keys properly updated that trigger the VS toolbox integration. Launch regedit.exe and check if you have keys for the Telerik controls under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller. Check the attached screenshot.

Hristo Deshev
the Telerik team

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Cliff Eby
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answered on 29 Mar 2009, 01:11 AM
This is the only key under ToolboxControlInstaller

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\System.Web.Silverlight, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL

How do I update the entries.  I've reinstalled Telerik WPF controls a number of times.
I have no problems with either Telerik's Silverlight of Windows Forms controls.  I only have a Vista 32  bit machine.
Hristo Deshev
Telerik team
answered on 30 Mar 2009, 10:46 AM
Hi Cliff Eby,

The registry keys are created by the installer, and I am not sure why that fails on your machine. Have you run the installer and has it completed with no error messages?

You can try uninstalling the product and reinstalling and instructing Windows Installer to save a log of the installation. Place the MSI file in a folder, say C:\tmp, open a new cmd.exe instance, navigate to that folder, and run this command:

msiexec /i RadControls_for_WPF_Q1_2009_DEV.msi /L*v RadControls_install.log

Open that file and look for the ToolboxControlsInstaller string. Here's what I get for one of the assemblies:

MSI (s) (F0:78) [13:41:10:994]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7,,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (F0:78) [13:41:10:994]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,Value=RadControls for WPF,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: , Value: RadControls for WPF

I am guessing the log file will contain an error somewhere near that location on your end. Can you paste the error here, or open a separate support ticket and post the entire log file (It's a bit large ~12MB).

Hristo Deshev
the Telerik team

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Cliff Eby
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Rank 1
answered on 30 Mar 2009, 07:44 PM
1. In an attempt to solve, I removed ReSharper and repaired VS 2008.  Neither changed performance.
2. Next, I removed Telerik for WPF and reinstalled per your directions.  No errors reported.  Here's the .log near the point you referenced.

MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:636]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=WriteRegistryValues,Description=Writing system registry values,Template=Key: [1], Name: [2], Value: [3])
Action 15:13:55: WriteRegistryValues. Writing system registry values
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:639]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=94,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:640]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483647,Key=Software\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Components,,BinaryType=0,)
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:640]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=DemoCS,Value=#0,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Components, Name: DemoCS, Value: #0
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:644]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=DocumentationShortcut,Value=#0,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Components, Name: DocumentationShortcut, Value: #0
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:647]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=CSharpSolution_Shortcut,Value=#0,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Components, Name: CSharpSolution_Shortcut, Value: #0
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:650]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\AssemblyFolders\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009,,BinaryType=0,)
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:650]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,Value=c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\\Binaries\WPF,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\AssemblyFolders\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009, Name: , Value: c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\\Binaries\WPF
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:655]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7,,BinaryType=0,)
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:655]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,Value=RadControls for WPF,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: , Value: RadControls for WPF
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:661]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Codebase,Value=c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Binaries\WPF\Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: Codebase, Value: c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Binaries\WPF\Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:666]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=WPFControls,Value=1,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: WPFControls, Value: 1
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:670]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=Software\Microsoft\VBExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7,,BinaryType=0,)
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:670]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,Value=RadControls for WPF,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VBExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: , Value: RadControls for WPF
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:682]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Codebase,Value=c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Binaries\WPF\Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VBExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: Codebase, Value: c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Binaries\WPF\Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:688]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=WPFControls,Value=1,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VBExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: WPFControls, Value: 1
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:692]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=Software\Microsoft\VCExpress\10.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7,,BinaryType=0,)
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:692]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,Value=RadControls for WPF,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VCExpress\10.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: , Value: RadControls for WPF
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:703]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Codebase,Value=c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Binaries\WPF\Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VCExpress\10.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: Codebase, Value: c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Binaries\WPF\Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:707]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=WPFControls,Value=1,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VCExpress\10.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: WPFControls, Value: 1
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:710]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=Software\Microsoft\VCSExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7,,BinaryType=0,)
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:711]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,Value=RadControls for WPF,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VCSExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: , Value: RadControls for WPF
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:758]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Codebase,Value=c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Binaries\WPF\Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VCSExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: Codebase, Value: c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Binaries\WPF\Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:762]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=WPFControls,Value=1,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VCSExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: WPFControls, Value: 1
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:766]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=Software\Microsoft\VWDExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7,,BinaryType=0,)
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:766]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,Value=RadControls for WPF,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VWDExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: , Value: RadControls for WPF
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:774]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Codebase,Value=c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Binaries\WPF\Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VWDExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: Codebase, Value: c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Binaries\WPF\Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:780]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=WPFControls,Value=1,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VWDExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: WPFControls, Value: 1
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:783]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7,,BinaryType=0,)
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:783]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,Value=RadControls for WPF,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: , Value: RadControls for WPF
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:792]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Codebase,Value=c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Binaries\WPF\Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView.dll,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: Codebase, Value: c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Binaries\WPF\Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView.dll
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:798]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=WPFControls,Value=1,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: WPFControls, Value: 1
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:801]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=Software\Microsoft\VBExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7,,BinaryType=0,)
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:802]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,Value=RadControls for WPF,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VBExpress\9.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, Name: , Value: RadControls for WPF
MSI (s) (00:D0) [15:13:55:809]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Codebase,Value=c:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for WPF Q1 2009\Binaries\WPF\Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView.dll,)
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\VBExpress\9.0

No apparent errors.  WPF tools loading fine.

I'll advise is behavior returns.
Hristo Deshev
Telerik team
answered on 31 Mar 2009, 10:17 AM
Hi Cliff Eby,

If I understand correctly, the registry keys have been created successfully, and you see the controls in your toolbox. I am still curious what made them disappear in the first place -- please post here if the problem returns.

Kind regards,
Hristo Deshev
the Telerik team

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Asked by
Walter Harris
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Rank 1
Answers by
Telerik team
Walter Harris
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Rank 1
Top achievements
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Cliff Eby
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Hristo Deshev
Telerik team
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