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Can not print (edit) data in a cell in edit mode.

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Dmitry asked on 01 Jul 2016, 08:43 AM

Hi! Our colleague Eugene writes periodically in your forum. We use RadTreeListView in our project. As datasource for RadTreeListView we use an ObservableCollection containing hierarchical data. This hierarchical data are displayed in RadTreeListView perfectly well. Please see "Picture.PNG" file attached. But we can't edit information in any cell in second column. When the user does doubleclick on a cell and this cell is switched in edit mode then the data in the cell disappears and the user can't print the new data there. Please see the cell image in edit mode in "Picture2.PNG" file attached. Below is XAML concerning RadTreeListView in our application:

<telerik:RadTreeListView Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AutoExpandItems="True" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"
                                     ItemsSource="{Binding ProfileTreeRoot.ChildProfileElenents}">
                    <telerik:TreeListViewTableDefinition ItemsSource="{Binding ChildProfileElenents}"/>
                    <telerik:GridViewDataColumn IsReadOnly="True" DataMemberBinding="{Binding Name}" Header="Наименование">
                            <Style TargetType="{x:Type telerik:GridViewCell}">
                                <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="SemiBold"/>
                    <telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding CurrentValue}" Header="Текущее значение"/>

Where 'ProfileTreeRoot.ChildProfileElements' is ObservableCollection instance. 'ProfileTreeRoot' itself is the instance of Group class where ObservableCollection is. Below is Group class definition. You can see 'ChildProfileElements' ObservableCollection definition there.

public class Group : ProfileElementType
    #region Fields
    private string name;
    private string description;
    private ObservableCollection<ProfileElementType> _childProfileElenents;
    private Group parent;
    #region Constructors
    public Group()
       this.ElementType = this.GetType();
       this.ElementTypeName = this.ElementType.Name;
       this.Name = "Group 1";
       this.ChildProfileElenents = new ObservableCollection<ProfileElementType>();
    #region Properties
    [Display(Description = "The Name of this Group.", Name = "The Name")]
    public string Name
        get { return; }
        set { this.SetProperty(ref, value); }
    [Display(Description = "The Brief Description of this Group", Name = "The Description")]
    public string Description
        get { return this.description; }
        set { this.SetProperty(ref this.description, value); }
    /// <summary>
    /// The collection of elements which are the children elements of this group.
    /// These elements can be of Group class instances or Register class instances
    /// </summary>
    public ObservableCollection<ProfileElementType> ChildProfileElenents
        get { return this._childProfileElenents; }
        set { this.childProfileElenents = value; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Parent group whose ChildProfileElenents collection comprises this Group instance.
    /// </summary>
    public Group Parent
        get { return this.parent; }
        set { this.parent = value; }

Group class reprecents group containing some registers and some other groups. As you can see the ObservableCollection in Group is defined as the follow:

private ObservableCollection<ProfileElementType> _childProfileElenents;

Below the definition of ProfileElementType class and Register class. First 'Register' class is shown:

public class Register : ProfileElementType
   #region Fields
   private int number;
   private string name;
   private string description;
   private string currentValue;
   private string defaultValue;
   private string minimalValue;
   private string maximalValue;
   private string dataTypeName;
   private RegisterDataAccess accessToData;
   private Group parent;
   #region Constructors
   public Register()
       this.ElementType = this.GetType();
       this.ElementTypeName = this.ElementType.Name;
       this.Name = "REgister 1";
       this.AccessToData = RegisterDataAccess.Read_Write;
   #region Properties
   [Display(Description = "Register Address.", Name = "The Address", GroupName = "Common Information")]
   public int Number
       get { return this.number; }
       set { this.SetProperty(ref this.number, value); }
   [Display(Description = "Register Name.", Name = "The Name", GroupName = "Common Information")]
   public string Name
      get { return; }
      set { this.SetProperty(ref, value); }
   [Display(Description = "Breif description.", Name = "The Description", GroupName = "Common Information")]
   public string Description
      get { return this.description; }
      set { this.SetProperty(ref this.description, value); }
   [Display(Description = "Register current value.", Name = "Current Value", GroupName = "Data")]
   public string CurrentValue
      get { return this.currentValue; }
      set { this.SetProperty(ref this.currentValue, value); }
   [Display(Description = "Register default value.", Name = "Default value", GroupName = "Data")]
   public string DefaultValue
      get { return this.defaultValue; }
      set { this.SetProperty(ref this.defaultValue, value); }
   [Display(Description = "Register Minimal Value.", Name = "Minimal Value", GroupName = "Data")]
   public string MinimalValue
      get { return this.minimalValue; }
      set { this.SetProperty(ref this.minimalValue, value); }
   [Display(Description = "Register Maximal Value.", Name = "Maximal Value", GroupName = "Data")]
   public string MaximalValue
      get { return this.maximalValue; }
      set { this.SetProperty(ref this.maximalValue, value); }
   [Display(Description = "Register Data Type.", Name = "Data Type", GroupName = "Data")]
   public string DataTypeName
      get { return this.dataTypeName; }
      set { this.SetProperty(ref this.dataTypeName, value); }
   [Display(Description = "Access to Register Data.", Name = "Data Access", GroupName = "Data")]
   public RegisterDataAccess AccessToData
      get { return this.accessToData; }
      set { this.SetProperty(ref this.accessToData, value); }
   /// <summary>
   /// Parent group whose ChildProfileElenents collection comprises this Register instance.
   /// </summary>
   public Group Parent
      get { return this.parent; }
      set { this.parent = value; }

And here is ProfileElementType class definition:

public class ProfileElementType : BindableBase, IProfileElementType
    #region Fields
    private string _elementTypeName;
    #region Properties
    public string ElementTypeName
       get { return this._elementTypeName; }
       set { this._elementTypeName = value; }
    #region IProfileElementType Implementation
    private Type _elementType;
    public Type ElementType
       get { return this._elementType; }
       set { this._elementType = value; }

Can we (in our case) edit cells in RadTreeListViev? After all, if their content is displayed perfectly, then why can not edit it? We really need to get a cell in RadTreeListViev edited. Please help us.

24 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
answered on 05 Jul 2016, 09:50 AM
Hello Yaroslav,

I tried to reproduce the issue you've described with the code you've provided, but was, unfortunately, unable to do so. I'm attaching a sample project for reference. Could you please have a look at it and let me know if it differs from the setup you have at your end in any way?

I will be awaiting your response.

Dilyan Traykov
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answered on 06 Jul 2016, 11:47 AM

Hi, Dilyan. Thank you very much for your support. The architecture of our project is really a bit different. 1) You create an ObservableCollection of Group instances:

this.groups = new ObservableCollection<Group>();

2) You create two instances of Group: group (the root group) and childGroup (child group), populate the childGroup with Register instance and populate  group.ChildProfileElenents (chield elements collection of group) with childGroup.

// Create root group.
var group = new Group() { Name = "Parent Group" };
// Create child group.
var childGroup = new Group() { Name = "Child Group" };
// Populate child group's child elements collection with one register.
childGroup.ChildProfileElenents.Add(new Register()
   Name = "Some Name",
   CurrentValue = "5"
// Populate root group's collection of child elements with childGroup.

3) You populate 'groups' ObservableColection with root group:


And after all you have 'Groups' property created on the base of 'groups' ObservableCollection and you use this property as binding source for RadTreeListView. Instead, we create 'group' Group instance as a field, then we create 'Group'

As for us, we do as follows (in terms of the structure of your application):

// Root group.
private Group _profileTreeRoot;
// Gets or sets the root group.
public Group ProfileTreeRoot
   get { return this._profileTreeRoot; }
   // We use SetProperty function here due to using Prism.
   set { this.SetProperty(ref this._profileTreeRoot, value); }
// Constructor.
public MyViewModel()
   this.ProfileTreeRoot = new Group() { Name = "Parent Group" };
   var childGroup = new Group() { Name = "Child Group" };
   childGroup.ChildProfileElenents.Add(new Register()
      Name = "Some Name",
      CurrentValue = "5"

and we use ProfileTreeRoot property as data source for binding to view. See below:

<telerik:RadTreeListView x:Name="Hierarchical" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AutoExpandItems="True" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"
                                     ItemsSource="{Binding ProfileTreeRoot.ChildProfileElenents}" Visibility="{Binding AreRegistersInHierarchyVisible}">
                    <telerik:TreeListViewTableDefinition ItemsSource="{Binding ChildProfileElenents}"/>
                    <telerik:GridViewDataColumn IsReadOnly="True" DataMemberBinding="{Binding Name}" Header="Наименование">
                            <Style TargetType="{x:Type telerik:GridViewCell}">
                                <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="SemiBold"/>
                    <telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding CurrentValue}" Header="Текущее значение"/>

That is, the binding source for the RadTreeListView is ProfileTreeRoot.ChildProfileElenents ObservableCollection that is colection of ProfileElementType instances. It is defined in Group class as:

private ObservableCollection<ProfileElementType> _childProfileElenents;
public ObservableCollection<ProfileElementType> ChildProfileElenents
   get { return this._childProfileElenents; }
   set { this._childProfileElenents = value; }

This is the main difference.
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answered on 06 Jul 2016, 12:31 PM
We are now just eyeing to your example. Maybe later ask you questions.
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answered on 07 Jul 2016, 05:16 AM

Hello, Dilyan. We want to add a little more. You create and populate your data source colection in you ViewModel class cunstructor.

public MyViewModel()
    this.groups = new ObservableCollection<Group>();
    var group = new Group() { Name = "Parent Group" };
    var childGroup = new Group() { Name = "Child Group" };
    childGroup.ChildProfileElenents.Add(new Register()
       Name = "Some Name",
       CurrentValue = "5"

But we are doing this in IConfirmNavigationRequest.INavigationAware.OnNavigatedTo event handler (we use Prism). Could this last (that we create and populate our data source colection in this event handler) be the reason of that RadTreeListView does not allow to edit itself normally? Please reply.

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answered on 07 Jul 2016, 07:50 AM

Exactly in exactly reproduce code from your example in the constructor of our ViewModel. The result is negative - the list does not allow to edit itself. Could it be due to the fact that in our application the ViewModel and the View are not in the Shell project
but in a separate PrismModule. (Shell project and the PrismModule project are in the same solution.) By pressing the navigation button defined in this PrismModule the call of IRegionManager.ReguestNavigate method is done.
This call put the View in the corresponding region of Shell window. Shell window is in Shell project. Our Prism application is modular. You can see the structure of our application in SolutionStructure.PNG file attached. Where DeviceParameters is PrismModule under review, DeviceParametersViewModel is the ViewModel in this module, DeviceParametersView is the View in this module. DeviceParametersNavigationItemViewModel.cs and DeviceParametersNavigationItemView.xaml are the ViewModel and the View of navigation button that is in this module. When user clicks the navigation button the next command method is caled:

// Navigation command bind to the navigation button's Command property.
public DelegateCommand<object> NavigateToDeviceParametersCommand { get; private set; }
// Navigation command's method.
private void navigateToDeviceParameters(object arg)
   // Execute navigation.
   this._regionManager.RequestNavigate(ShellRegionsNames.MainContentRegion, _deviceParametersViewUri);
   // Check navigation command status.

And as a result DeviceParametersView view is displayed in Shell's MainContentRegion. Shell is in FlowmeterConfigurator project in the solution. Where ShellViewModel.cs is the ViewModel of Shell and Shell.xaml is the View of Shell. You can see it in SolutionStructure.PNG file. Shell.xaml is displayed below.

<telerik:RadWindow x:Class="FlowmeterConfigurator.Views.Shell"
        Header="{Binding Title}" Height="350" Width="525"
    <!--Controls of modal dialogs output-->
        <!--Custom dialog for user's login-->
        <prism:InteractionRequestTrigger SourceObject="{Binding LoginConfirmationRequest, Mode=OneWay}">
            <prism:PopupWindowAction IsModal="True" CenterOverAssociatedObject="True">
        <!--Dialog with OK button-->
        <prism:InteractionRequestTrigger SourceObject="{Binding NotificationRequest, Mode=OneWay}">
            <prism:PopupWindowAction IsModal="True" CenterOverAssociatedObject="True"/>
    <!--Shell's grid-->
            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
            <ColumnDefinition />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
        <!--Application's main menue-->
        <StackPanel Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2">
            <telerik:RadMenu HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Top" AutomationProperties.AutomationId="ApplicationMainMenu">
                <telerik:RadMenuItem Header="Файл" IsEnabled="{Binding IsFileMenuEnabled}">
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem Header="Выход" Command="{Binding ApplicationShutdownCommand}" AutomationProperties.AutomationId="ApplicationShutdownMenuItem"/>
                <telerik:RadMenuItem Header="Сервис" IsEnabled="{Binding IsServiceMenuEnabled}">
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem Header="Выполнить авторизацию"
                                         Command="{Binding AuthorizeAgainCommand}" AutomationProperties.AutomationId="AuthorizeAgainMenuItem"/>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem Header="Завершить текщий сеанс"
                                         Command="{Binding TerminateCurrentSessionCommand}" AutomationProperties.AutomationId="TerminateSessionMenuItem"/>
        <Grid Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0">
                <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
            <!--Region for navigation buttons displaying-->
            <StackPanel Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0">
                <ItemsControl x:Name="NavigationItemsControl" prism:RegionManager.RegionName="MainNavigationRegion">
                            <UniformGrid Rows="1" Width="Auto" HorizontalAlignment="Left"/>
        <!--Region for navigated View displaying-->
        <ContentControl prism:RegionManager.RegionName="MainContentRegion" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch"/>
        <!--Application's status bar-->
        <StatusBar Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" MinHeight="25" VerticalAlignment="Bottom">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding StatusBarText}"/>
                <telerik:RadProgressBar Width="300" Height="20" Margin="10,0,0,0" Value="{Binding ProgressBarCurrentValue}" Visibility="{Binding IsProgresBarVisible}"
                             Minimum="0" Maximum="{Binding ProgressBarMaximumValue}" IsIndeterminate="{Binding IsProgressBarIndeterminated}"/>

Why does RadTreeListView not edit in our application? Рow to get RadTreeListView to let its editing? Please help.

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answered on 07 Jul 2016, 08:04 AM
And further.We initialize local hierarchical collection (in 'DeviceParameters' PrismModule) that is data source for RadTreeListView from existing shared ObservableCollection<ProfileElementType>, which is located in the application Prism service. This service is defined in our application as singletone and each PrismModule in our application share this service through Unity dependency injection.
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answered on 07 Jul 2016, 08:20 AM
public class DeviceParametersViewModel : BindableBase, IConfirmNavigationRequest
    private IConnectionService _connectionService;
    private ObservableCollection<ProfileElementType> _deviceProfile;
    public ObservableCollection<ProfileElementType> DeviceProfile
       get { return this._deviceProfile; }
       set { this.SetProperty(ref this._deviceProfile, value); }
    . . . . . . .
    public DeviceParametersViewModel(IConnectionService connectionService)
        . . . . . . .
        this._connectionService = connectionService;
        . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . .
    void INavigationAware.OnNavigatedTo(NavigationContext navigationContext)
       . . . . . . . . .
       this.DeviceProfile = new ObservableCollection<ProfileElementType>(this._connectionService.SharedDeviceProfile);
       . . . . . . . . .
Where this._connectionService.SharedDeviceProfile ObservableCollection is filled early in the module 'ConnectDisconnect' when our application connects to a flowmeter. You can see 'ConnectDisconnect' module (in collapsed status) in the picture in SolutionStructure.PNG file in my above post. There 'ConnectDisconnect' module is just above 'DeviceParameters' module.
Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
answered on 07 Jul 2016, 12:18 PM
Hello Yaroslav,

I'm afraid that I'm unable the reproduce the issue at my end and without a project to debug, unfortunately, cannot assist you further. May I kindly ask you to open a new support ticket and send over a sample project, isolating the issue, so that I may guide you in finding a solution?

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Dilyan Traykov
Telerik by Progress
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answered on 07 Jul 2016, 12:56 PM
I will consult with the my leadership about opening of the support ticket and if they will be agree, then yes. What is the price of the ticket in USD?
Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
answered on 07 Jul 2016, 01:17 PM
Hello Yaroslav,

Since you have an active license, you should be able to submit a new support ticket, free of charge. This can be done from the following page.

Dilyan Traykov
Telerik by Progress
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answered on 08 Jul 2016, 09:16 AM
OK, Dilyan. But just need permission of our management's, to show you our program. I'll find it out and I write to you here. Thanks.
Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
answered on 12 Jul 2016, 08:52 AM
I will be awaiting your reply, Yaroslav.

Dilyan Traykov
Telerik by Progress
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answered on 12 Jul 2016, 09:00 AM
Hi, Dilyan. The reference on information about submitting support ticket that has been given me by you unfortunately doesn't work.
Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
answered on 12 Jul 2016, 10:23 AM
Hello Yaroslav,

Navigating to the Get Support page and clicking on the Contact Support Team button at the bottom left corner should lead you to the Available Support List page, provided you're logged in and you have an active subscription. From there, you can open a new support ticket by clicking the Submit support ticket button for the respective product.

Please let me know if you're still unable to successfully open a new ticket, and I will try and assist you further.

Dilyan Traykov
Telerik by Progress
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answered on 12 Jul 2016, 01:51 PM
When I try to take the support ticket then I try to attach archive of my application project that is 65 558 KB but I cant attached it. Please write an e-mail adress to which I can send it. I have HaoZip archiver only and it doesn't have good compresing power.
Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
answered on 12 Jul 2016, 02:34 PM
Hello Yaroslav,

As I suggested in my previous reply, it would be most helpful if you could isolate the problem in a sample project, which normally shouldn't be more than 1 megabyte in size. Such a big archive implies a lot of files and folders to navigate through with a lot of dependencies which will be very difficult for me to run and debug.

Please try isolating the issue in a sample project small enough so that you can attach it to your reply. Deleting the bin and obj folders would significally reduce the final size of the file. If you're unable to do so, please open a new support ticket with a link to this thread and we will send over FTP details so that you may send your archive.

Dilyan Traykov
Telerik by Progress
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answered on 13 Jul 2016, 08:29 AM
Hi, Dilyan. I've got that my working solution archive became of the size of 23 megabytes. But that's a lot. Because no more than 20 megabytes is required. So I did what you advised me. I opened a new support ticket with a link to this thread (the Id of the ticket is 1050095) and there ask you send me the details about how can I send your my working solution archive that is 23M. Please help.
Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
answered on 13 Jul 2016, 11:48 AM
Hello Yaroslav,

I have responded to your support ticket. Thank you for your cooperation.

Dilyan Traykov
Telerik by Progress
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answered on 13 Jul 2016, 12:52 PM
Hello, Dilyan. But how can I send you archive of my working solution that has size of 23M? Please write me about it in this post. Please.
Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
answered on 13 Jul 2016, 01:10 PM
Hello Yaroslav,

You can use an FTP client of your choice (FileZilla or SmartFTP for example) to upload the files, using the FTP details I've provided you with.

Dilyan Traykov
Telerik by Progress
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answered on 13 Jul 2016, 02:07 PM
Thank you very much, Dilyan. I'll see FTP details and if I have a question, I'll write you tomorrow. Thank you very for your help and support.
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answered on 14 Jul 2016, 05:16 AM
Hello, Dilyan. Give me please the following information: Hostname, Username and Password so I can upload 23M archive of my working solution to you as a supplement to my 1050095 ticket. Thank you very much in advance.
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answered on 14 Jul 2016, 05:19 AM
I use FileZilla for transmissions.
Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
answered on 14 Jul 2016, 07:51 AM
Hello Yaroslav,

I have already provided the FTP details in the support ticket you opened. I kindly ask you to continue any further communication on the matter there.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Dilyan Traykov
Telerik by Progress
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Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
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