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Can i use SocialShare to Authenticate?

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randall asked on 28 Aug 2015, 05:17 PM


i was wondering if anyone knew how to use this SocialShare as a authentication means.

Right now i am using my own facebook and Linkedin Oath to sign a user into our account.

What i would like to do is:

1. if the user select to use socialshare, then logs into one of these social platforms....verify that they indeed were successful at login in.

2. get the username and email and then use it to also log them into my account/ or create a new account with the information.


right now i do this with facebook and linkedin as stated above. Facebook request that the user allow our app, which is fine in the process.


if i can do this above...that would be great and allow me to support more platforms than just facebook/linkedin.







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Telerik team
answered on 01 Sep 2015, 02:01 PM
Hi RS,

For the time being we do not plan the implementation of such a a shared login control since it requires not only UI as for example the SocialShare, but also authentication logic. We are expert in developing UI components and such a login and authentication functionality is not directly related to our scope of work.

Nevertheless, can you please post your request and vote in the following feedback portal item: New Control Suggestion: SharedLogin? If the feature collects a good number of votes (50+), we will definitely revise our current decision.

Best regards,
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