Can the column widths be changed when editing the details of a record? By that I mean, if you have a master details scenario and the edit button is clicked on the master record, a detail record of several columns is displayed for edit. The column widths in the details record all seem to be the same size and I can't seem to figure out how to modify the column width. I.e. I may have a detail item that is a textbox that can be 200 characters long. Also in the details I have a "Notes" text area. I would like that to be several rows high. Can this be done with the defualt set up of the radgrid? I understand that I could specify a table but I just wondered if there was an easier way using the telerik:GridBoundColumn, telerik:GridTemplateColumn of the Columns section of the MasterTableView section of the RadGrid
Dan R.
Can the column widths be changed when editing the details of a record? By that I mean, if you have a master details scenario and the edit button is clicked on the master record, a detail record of several columns is displayed for edit. The column widths in the details record all seem to be the same size and I can't seem to figure out how to modify the column width. I.e. I may have a detail item that is a textbox that can be 200 characters long. Also in the details I have a "Notes" text area. I would like that to be several rows high. Can this be done with the defualt set up of the radgrid? I understand that I could specify a table but I just wondered if there was an easier way using the telerik:GridBoundColumn, telerik:GridTemplateColumn of the Columns section of the MasterTableView section of the RadGrid
Dan R.