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Can't use RadAjaxLoadingPanel and RadAsyncUpload simultaneously.

7 Answers 228 Views
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gc_0620 asked on 02 Oct 2015, 07:41 PM

Hi all,
Using UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2015 along with VS 2013. I am using below link as a prototype.

I modified it to fit my requirements. I would like to use RadAjaxLoadingPanel and RadAsyncUpload together on the button click event of the below button (attached AsyncUpload - Validation.png)

<telerik:RadButton runat="server" Skin="Silk" ID="BtnSubmit"Text="Validate the uploaded files" OnClick="BtnSubmit_Click"></telerik:RadButton>

On Button Click event, the routine uploads the file as well as runs SQL Stored procedure and on return Stored procedure also executes SSIS packages.
The whole process takes some 5-7 minutes that is the main reason I would like to display the Loading Panel during the execution phase.  Instead of IE “Waiting for Local host” message. If I do use RadAjaxLoadingPanel, after the process complete, current form stays open, does not go to attached 2nd screen (Attachment 2.png). 

Below is my complete code. Thanks for any help



<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1.WebForm1" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" TagPrefix="telerik" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head runat="server">
    <title>Telerik ASP.NET Example</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts.js"></script>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <telerik:RadScriptManager runat="server" ID="RadScriptManager1" />
        <telerik:RadCodeBlock ID="RadCodeBlock1" runat="server">
            <script type="text/javascript">
                function rAsyncUpload_Selected(sender, args) {
                    var currentFileName = args.get_fileName();
                    document.getElementById('<%=hidValueFileName.ClientID %>').value = currentFileName;
                function OnClientFileUploadRemoved(sender, args) {
                    var currentFileName = args.get_fileName();
                    //  alert(currentFileName);  //OnClientFileUploadRemoved
                    document.getElementById('<%=hidValueFileName.ClientID %>').value = "";
                    __doPostBack("<%= RefreshButton.UniqueID %>", "OnClick");
        <div class="demo-container size-medium">
            <div class="qsf-demo-canvas">
                <h2>Upload your files</h2>
                <ul class="qsf-list">
                        <strong>Allowed file types:</strong> jpg, jpeg, png, gif,csv (client-side validation).
                        <strong>Allowed overall upload size:</strong> 100 MB (server-side validation).
                    <tr id="in_put" runat="server">
                            <telerik:RadMonthYearPicker ID="RadMonthYearPicker1" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedDateChanged="btnPopulate_Form"
                            <telerik:RadAsyncUpload runat="server" ID="RadAsyncUpload1" AllowedFileExtensions="jpg,jpeg,png,gif,csv" TargetFolder="" MultipleFileSelection="Automatic"
                                PostbackTriggers="BtnSubmit" MaxFileSize="100971520" Skin="Silk"
                <div class="qsf-results">
                    <telerik:RadButton runat="server" Skin="Silk" ID="BtnSubmit"
                        Text="Validate the uploaded files" OnClick="BtnSubmit_Click">
                    <asp:Panel ID="ValidFiles" Visible="false" runat="server" CssClass="qsf-success">
                        <h3>You successfully uploaded:</h3>
                        <ul class="qsf-list" runat="server" id="ValidFilesList"></ul>
                    <asp:Panel ID="InvalidFiles" Visible="false" runat="server" CssClass="qsf-error">
                        <h3>The Upload failed for:</h3>
                        <ul class="qsf-list ruError" runat="server" id="InValidFilesList">
                                <p class="ruErrorMessage">The size of your overall upload exceeded the maximum of 1 MB</p>
                    <telerik:RadButton Skin="Silk" ID="RefreshButton" runat="server" OnClick="RefreshButton_Click" Visible="false" Text="Back"></telerik:RadButton>
                <div class="qsf-decoration"></div>
            <script type="text/javascript">
                Sys.Application.add_load(function () {
                    <td class="hiddentd_width">
                        <asp:HiddenField ID="hidValueFileName" runat="server" />
                    <td class="hiddentd_width">
                        <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hiddendmonth" Value="" />
                    <td class="hiddentd_width">
                        <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnstartdate" Value="" />
                    <td class="hiddentd_width">
                        <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnenddate" Value="" />
                    <td class="hiddentd_width">
                        <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdncurrentfy" Value="" />
                    <td class="hiddentd_width">
                        <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnnexteffectivedate" Value="" />
                        <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnCurrentFiscalYear_st_dt" Value="" />
                        <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnNextFiscalYear_st_dt" Value="" />
                        <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnCurrentMonthFile" Value="" />
                        <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnNextMonthFile" Value="" />
                        <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnEndCurrentMonthFile" Value="" />
                        <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnBegNextMonthFile" Value="" />
                        <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="HiddenFiscalYear" Value="" />
                        <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnFolderCreated" Value="" />
                        <telerik:RadToolTip runat="server" ID="tooltip1" TargetControlID="ClientID" IsClientID="true" Animation="FlyIn"
                            Skin="WebBlue" OffsetX="35" EnableRoundedCorners="true"
                            EnableShadow="true" RelativeTo="Element" AnimationDuration="2000" ShowDelay="500"

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using Telerik.Web.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
namespace WebApplication1
    public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
        const int MaxTotalBytes = 1048576; // 1 MB
        long totalBytes;
        public static string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["my-ConnectionString"].ToString();
        public SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
        //Declare a global SqlDataAdapter SqlDataAdapter    
        public SqlDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
        //Declare a global SqlCommand SqlCommand    
        public SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand();
        // SqlString a = new SqlString();
        public static string Tempstr, Tempstr1, message, cleanMessage, global_export_folder, updatedDataKey, folderpath = string.Empty;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        public void RadAsyncUpload1_FileUploaded(object sender, FileUploadedEventArgs e)
            BtnSubmit.Visible = false;
            RefreshButton.Visible = true;
            RadAsyncUpload1.Visible = false;
            var liItem = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
            liItem.InnerText = e.File.FileName;
            if (totalBytes < MaxTotalBytes)
            // Total bytes limit has not been reached, accept the file
            e.IsValid = true;
            totalBytes += e.File.ContentLength;
            // Limit reached, discard the file
            e.IsValid = false;
            if (e.IsValid)
            ValidFiles.Visible = true;
            ValidFilesList.Controls.AddAt(0, liItem);
            InvalidFiles.Visible = true;
            InValidFilesList.Controls.AddAt(0, liItem);
        protected void RefreshButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        protected void btnPopulate_Form(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (RadMonthYearPicker1.DbSelectedDate == null)
                hiddendmonth.Value = "";
                //  RadAjaxPanel1.ResponseScripts.Add(string.Format("alert('- Reporting Month is required!!!');"));
            if (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value >= DateTime.Now)
                //  RadAjaxPanel1.ResponseScripts.Add(string.Format("alert('- Can't be future date!');"));
                //  return;
            // Tempstr = RadMonthYearPicker1.DbSelectedDate.ToString();
            // Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
            string startmonth_year = RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month.ToString() + " , " + RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year.ToString();
            DateTime selectedDate = RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value;
            DateTime startDate = selectedDate.AddDays((selectedDate.Day - 1) * -1);
            DateTime endDate = startDate.AddDays(DateTime.DaysInMonth(startDate.Year, startDate.Month) - 1);
            string dtselectedyear = RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year.ToString();
            DateTime NextMonthEffectiveDate = endDate.AddDays(+1);
            // int PreviousYear = (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year - 1);
            int NextYear = (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year + 1);
            string CurrentFiscalYear_st_dt, NextFiscalYear_st_dt = null;
            string month_selected = string.Empty;
            string currentmonth = string.Empty;
            string nextmonth = string.Empty;
            switch (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month.ToString())
                case "1":
                    month_selected = "January";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "01E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "02B";
                case "2":
                    month_selected = "February";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "02E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "03B";
                case "3":
                    month_selected = "March";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "03E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "04B";
                case "4":
                    month_selected = "April";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "04E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "05B";
                case "5":
                    month_selected = "May";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "05E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "06B";
                case "6":
                    month_selected = "June";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "06E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "07B";
                case "7":
                    month_selected = "July";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "07E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "08B";
                case "8":
                    month_selected = "August";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "08E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "09B";
                case "9":
                    month_selected = "September";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "09E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "10B";
                case "10":
                    month_selected = "October";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "10E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "11B";
                case "11":
                    month_selected = "November";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "11E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "12B";
                case "12":
                    month_selected = "December";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "12E";
                    nextmonth = NextYear.ToString().Substring(NextYear.ToString().Length - 2) + "01B";
            if (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month <= 6)
                CurrentFiscalYear_st_dt = "07/01/" + (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year - 1).ToString();
                NextFiscalYear_st_dt = "07/01/" + (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year).ToString();
                CurrentFiscalYear_st_dt = "07/01/" + (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year).ToString();
                NextFiscalYear_st_dt = "07/01/" + (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year + 1); //NextYear.ToString();
            hiddendmonth.Value = month_selected.ToString();
            hdnstartdate.Value = startDate.ToShortDateString();
            hdnenddate.Value = endDate.ToShortDateString();
            hdncurrentfy.Value = NextFiscalYear_st_dt.Substring(NextFiscalYear_st_dt.ToString().Length - 4); // Until June, Selected year of date.
            // Higher than june,  Selected year+1
            hdnnexteffectivedate.Value = NextMonthEffectiveDate.ToShortDateString();
            hdnNextFiscalYear_st_dt.Value = NextFiscalYear_st_dt.ToString();
            hdnCurrentFiscalYear_st_dt.Value = CurrentFiscalYear_st_dt.ToString();
            hdnCurrentMonthFile.Value = currentmonth.ToString();
            hdnNextMonthFile.Value = nextmonth.ToString();
            hdnEndCurrentMonthFile.Value = month_selected.ToString() + ' ' + RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year.ToString();
            if (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month == 12)
                hdnBegNextMonthFile.Value = "January" + ' ' + (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year + 1).ToString();
                Tempstr = "January" + ' ' + (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year + 1).ToString();
                Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
                hdnBegNextMonthFile.Value = NextMonthEffectiveDate.ToString("MMMM") + ' ' + RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year.ToString();
                Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
            Tempstr = "Current FY Start Dt: " + CurrentFiscalYear_st_dt + " Next FY Start Dt: " + NextFiscalYear_st_dt +
                      " Hidden FY: " + hdncurrentfy.Value;
            Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
        protected void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // ValidationInput.Text = string.Empty;
            if (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate >= DateTime.Now ||
                RadAsyncUpload1.UploadedFiles.Count == 0)
                if (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month <= 9)
                //     if (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month.ToString().Length < 2)
                    folderpath = "0" + RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month.ToString();
                    folderpath = RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month.ToString();
                string tempfolderpath = hdnCurrentFiscalYear_st_dt.Value.Substring(hdnCurrentFiscalYear_st_dt.Value.ToString().Length - 4) + "\\";
                Tempstr = tempfolderpath;
                Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
                folderpath = "FY" + hdncurrentfy.Value +
                             "\\" + hdncurrentfy.Value + '-' + folderpath + ' ' + hiddendmonth.Value;
                Tempstr = folderpath;
                Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
                sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("Import_Source_File", sqlConnection);
                sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FolderName", folderpath.ToString().Trim());
                sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@runtype", "1");
                var outParam = new SqlParameter("@FolderCreated", SqlDbType.VarChar);
                outParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                outParam.Size = 4000;
                // sqlCommand.Parameters.@FolderCreated.size = 2000;
                sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                sqlCommand.CommandTimeout = 7200;
                var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(outParam.Value.ToString().Trim()) + "\\";
                hdnFolderCreated.Value = "All files are created into Network Folder: " + folder;
                global_export_folder = folder;
                Tempstr = folder;
                Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
                RadAsyncUpload1.TargetFolder = global_export_folder;
                string path = RadAsyncUpload1.TargetFolder;
                string file_name = hiddendmonth.Value.ToString();
                foreach (UploadedFile file in RadAsyncUpload1.UploadedFiles)
                    file.SaveAs(Path.Combine((path), hidValueFileName.Value.ToString())); // + file.GetExtension()));
                string destfileextension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(hidValueFileName.Value.ToString().Trim());
                string destfile_w_outextension = hidValueFileName.Value.ToString().Trim().Substring(0, hidValueFileName.Value.ToString().Trim().Length -
                sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("Import_Source_File", sqlConnection);
                sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FolderName", global_export_folder.ToString());
                sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@runtype", "2");
                sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SourcefileName", destfile_w_outextension.ToString().Trim());
                sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SourceCSVfileName", hidValueFileName.Value.ToString().Trim());
                sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                sqlCommand.CommandTimeout = 7200;
                Tempstr = "Global Export Folder: " + global_export_folder.ToString() + " Folder: " + folder.ToString().Trim();
                Tempstr += " File Name with extension: " + hidValueFileName.Value.ToString().Trim() + " File Name w/o extension: " + destfile_w_outextension.ToString().Trim();
                if (sqlConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
                    Tempstr = "Connection Open";
                    Tempstr = "Connection Close";
                // Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "disp_confirm();", true);
                BtnSubmit.Visible = false;
                RefreshButton.Visible = true;
                in_put.Visible = false;
                // RadMonthYearPicker1.Visible = false;
                BtnSubmit.Visible = false;
                RefreshButton.Visible = true;
                RefreshButton.Text = "Return";
                RadAsyncUpload1.Visible = false;

7 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Rank 1
answered on 07 Oct 2015, 01:49 AM

Telerik, is it possible to implement the logic that I described in my original thread? If so please provide a solution, if not please provide an alternate solution. Is it some urgent. Thanks a lot.


Hristo Valyavicharski
Telerik team
answered on 07 Oct 2015, 01:39 PM
Hi Gulam,

You could wrap RadAsyncUpload inside RadAjaxPanel, but it is not needed. Better add only AjaxLoadingPanel and show the progress indicatior when uploading starts and hide it when it finishes.

Hristo Valyavicharski
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answered on 08 Oct 2015, 06:33 PM

Hi Hristo, as per your suggestion, I put RadAsyncUpload inside RadAjaxPanel; it did not work. Also below code does not execute (under BtnSubmit_Click).

Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "disp_confirm();", true);

function disp_confirm(sender, args) {
alert("Process Complete!!! " + "\n\n" + document.getElementById('<%=hdnFolderCreated.ClientID %>').value
+ "\n\nIf required, copy previous Month PDF files to verify the total's "
+ "\nand Standard definitation file for upload into above mentioned folder.");


All these works fine if there is I do not use below code.

<telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="BtnSubmit">
<telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="RadAjaxPanel1" LoadingPanelID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" />

The issue here is the BtnSubmit_Click event is long process; about 7-8 mins b/c Server Side Stored Procedure need to execute some routines, that is the main reason I would like to display RadAjaxLoadingPanel. 

Anyway below I am sending the updated codes again. Thanks for any help..


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1.WebForm1" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" TagPrefix="telerik" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Telerik ASP.NET Example</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts.js"></script>
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <telerik:RadScriptManager runat="server" ID="RadScriptManager1" />
             <telerik:RadAjaxManager ID="RadAjaxManager1" runat="server">
        <telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="BtnSubmit">
                <telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="RadAjaxPanel1" LoadingPanelID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" />
            <telerik:RadAjaxLoadingPanel ID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" runat="server" Skin="Default">
            <telerik:RadCodeBlock ID="RadCodeBlock1" runat="server">
                <script type="text/javascript">
                    function rAsyncUpload_Selected(sender, args) {
                        var currentFileName = args.get_fileName();
                        document.getElementById('<%=hidValueFileName.ClientID %>').value = currentFileName;
                    function OnClientFileUploadRemoved(sender, args) {
                        var currentFileName = args.get_fileName();
                        //  alert(currentFileName);  //OnClientFileUploadRemoved
                        document.getElementById('<%=hidValueFileName.ClientID %>').value = "";
                        __doPostBack("<%= RefreshButton.UniqueID %>", "OnClick");
                    function disp_confirm(sender, args) {
                        alert("Process Complete!!! " + "\n\n" + document.getElementById('<%=hdnFolderCreated.ClientID %>').value
                               + "\n\nIf required, copy previous Month PDF files to verify the total's "
                               + "\nand Standard definitation file for upload into above mentioned folder.");
            <div class="demo-container size-medium">
                <div class="qsf-demo-canvas">
                    <h2>Upload your files</h2>
                    <ul class="qsf-list">
                            <strong>Allowed file types:</strong> jpg, jpeg, png, gif,csv (client-side validation).
                            <strong>Allowed overall upload size:</strong> 100 MB (server-side validation).
                        <tr id="in_put" runat="server">
                                <telerik:RadMonthYearPicker ID="RadMonthYearPicker1" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedDateChanged="btnPopulate_Form"
                                 <telerik:RadAjaxPanel ID="RadAjaxPanel1" runat="server" Height="200px" Width="300px">
                                <telerik:RadAsyncUpload runat="server" ID="RadAsyncUpload1" AllowedFileExtensions="jpg,jpeg,png,gif,csv" TargetFolder="" MultipleFileSelection="Automatic"
                                                        PostbackTriggers="BtnSubmit" MaxFileSize="100971520" Skin="Silk"
                    <div class="qsf-results">
                        <telerik:RadButton runat="server" Skin="Silk" ID="BtnSubmit"
                                           Text="Validate the uploaded files" OnClick="BtnSubmit_Click">
                        <asp:Panel ID="ValidFiles" Visible="false" runat="server" CssClass="qsf-success">
                            <h3>You successfully uploaded:</h3>
                            <ul class="qsf-list" runat="server" id="ValidFilesList"></ul>
                        <asp:Panel ID="InvalidFiles" Visible="false" runat="server" CssClass="qsf-error">
                            <h3>The Upload failed for:</h3>
                            <ul class="qsf-list ruError" runat="server" id="InValidFilesList">
                                    <p class="ruErrorMessage">The size of your overall upload exceeded the maximum of 1 MB</p>
                        <telerik:RadButton Skin="Silk" ID="RefreshButton" runat="server" OnClick="RefreshButton_Click" Visible="false" Text="Back"></telerik:RadButton>
                    <div class="qsf-decoration"></div>
                <script type="text/javascript">
                    Sys.Application.add_load(function () {
                        <td class="hiddentd_width">
                            <asp:HiddenField ID="hidValueFileName" runat="server" />
                        <td class="hiddentd_width">
                            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hiddendmonth" Value="" />
                        <td class="hiddentd_width">
                            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnstartdate" Value="" />
                        <td class="hiddentd_width">
                            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnenddate" Value="" />
                        <td class="hiddentd_width">
                            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdncurrentfy" Value="" />
                        <td class="hiddentd_width">
                            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnnexteffectivedate" Value="" />
                            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnCurrentFiscalYear_st_dt" Value="" />
                            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnNextFiscalYear_st_dt" Value="" />
                            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnCurrentMonthFile" Value="" />
                            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnNextMonthFile" Value="" />
                            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnEndCurrentMonthFile" Value="" />
                            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnBegNextMonthFile" Value="" />
                            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="HiddenFiscalYear" Value="" />
                            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnFolderCreated" Value="" />
                            <telerik:RadToolTip runat="server" ID="tooltip1" TargetControlID="ClientID" IsClientID="true" Animation="FlyIn"
                                                Skin="WebBlue" OffsetX="35" EnableRoundedCorners="true"
                                                EnableShadow="true" RelativeTo="Element" AnimationDuration="2000" ShowDelay="500"

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using Telerik.Web.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
namespace WebApplication1
    public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
        const int MaxTotalBytes = 1048576; // 1 MB
        long totalBytes;
        public static string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["my-ConnectionString"].ToString();
        public SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
        //Declare a global SqlDataAdapter SqlDataAdapter    
        public SqlDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
        //Declare a global SqlCommand SqlCommand    
        public SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand();
        // SqlString a = new SqlString();
        public static string Tempstr, Tempstr1, message, cleanMessage, global_export_folder, updatedDataKey, folderpath = string.Empty;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        public void RadAsyncUpload1_FileUploaded(object sender, FileUploadedEventArgs e)
            BtnSubmit.Visible = false;
            RefreshButton.Visible = true;
            RadAsyncUpload1.Visible = false;
            var liItem = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
            liItem.InnerText = e.File.FileName;
            if (totalBytes < MaxTotalBytes)
            // Total bytes limit has not been reached, accept the file
            e.IsValid = true;
            totalBytes += e.File.ContentLength;
            // Limit reached, discard the file
            e.IsValid = false;
            if (e.IsValid)
            ValidFiles.Visible = true;
            ValidFilesList.Controls.AddAt(0, liItem);
            InvalidFiles.Visible = true;
            InValidFilesList.Controls.AddAt(0, liItem);
        protected void RefreshButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        protected void btnPopulate_Form(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (RadMonthYearPicker1.DbSelectedDate == null)
                hiddendmonth.Value = "";
                //  RadAjaxPanel1.ResponseScripts.Add(string.Format("alert('- Reporting Month is required!!!');"));
            if (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value >= DateTime.Now)
                //  RadAjaxPanel1.ResponseScripts.Add(string.Format("alert('- Can't be future date!');"));
                //  return;
            // Tempstr = RadMonthYearPicker1.DbSelectedDate.ToString();
            // Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
            string startmonth_year = RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month.ToString() + " , " + RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year.ToString();
            DateTime selectedDate = RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value;
            DateTime startDate = selectedDate.AddDays((selectedDate.Day - 1) * -1);
            DateTime endDate = startDate.AddDays(DateTime.DaysInMonth(startDate.Year, startDate.Month) - 1);
            string dtselectedyear = RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year.ToString();
            DateTime NextMonthEffectiveDate = endDate.AddDays(+1);
            // int PreviousYear = (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year - 1);
            int NextYear = (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year + 1);
            string CurrentFiscalYear_st_dt, NextFiscalYear_st_dt = null;
            string month_selected = string.Empty;
            string currentmonth = string.Empty;
            string nextmonth = string.Empty;
            switch (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month.ToString())
                case "1":
                    month_selected = "January";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "01E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "02B";
                case "2":
                    month_selected = "February";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "02E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "03B";
                case "3":
                    month_selected = "March";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "03E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "04B";
                case "4":
                    month_selected = "April";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "04E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "05B";
                case "5":
                    month_selected = "May";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "05E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "06B";
                case "6":
                    month_selected = "June";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "06E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "07B";
                case "7":
                    month_selected = "July";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "07E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "08B";
                case "8":
                    month_selected = "August";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "08E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "09B";
                case "9":
                    month_selected = "September";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "09E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "10B";
                case "10":
                    month_selected = "October";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "10E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "11B";
                case "11":
                    month_selected = "November";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "11E";
                    nextmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "12B";
                case "12":
                    month_selected = "December";
                    currentmonth = dtselectedyear.Substring(dtselectedyear.Length - 2) + "12E";
                    nextmonth = NextYear.ToString().Substring(NextYear.ToString().Length - 2) + "01B";
            if (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month <= 6)
                CurrentFiscalYear_st_dt = "07/01/" + (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year - 1).ToString();
                NextFiscalYear_st_dt = "07/01/" + (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year).ToString();
                CurrentFiscalYear_st_dt = "07/01/" + (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year).ToString();
                NextFiscalYear_st_dt = "07/01/" + (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year + 1); //NextYear.ToString();
            hiddendmonth.Value = month_selected.ToString();
            hdnstartdate.Value = startDate.ToShortDateString();
            hdnenddate.Value = endDate.ToShortDateString();
            hdncurrentfy.Value = NextFiscalYear_st_dt.Substring(NextFiscalYear_st_dt.ToString().Length - 4); // Until June, Selected year of date.
            // Higher than june,  Selected year+1
            hdnnexteffectivedate.Value = NextMonthEffectiveDate.ToShortDateString();
            hdnNextFiscalYear_st_dt.Value = NextFiscalYear_st_dt.ToString();
            hdnCurrentFiscalYear_st_dt.Value = CurrentFiscalYear_st_dt.ToString();
            hdnCurrentMonthFile.Value = currentmonth.ToString();
            hdnNextMonthFile.Value = nextmonth.ToString();
            hdnEndCurrentMonthFile.Value = month_selected.ToString() + ' ' + RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year.ToString();
            if (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month == 12)
                hdnBegNextMonthFile.Value = "January" + ' ' + (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year + 1).ToString();
                Tempstr = "January" + ' ' + (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year + 1).ToString();
                Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
                hdnBegNextMonthFile.Value = NextMonthEffectiveDate.ToString("MMMM") + ' ' + RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Year.ToString();
                Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
            Tempstr = "Current FY Start Dt: " + CurrentFiscalYear_st_dt + " Next FY Start Dt: " + NextFiscalYear_st_dt +
                      " Hidden FY: " + hdncurrentfy.Value;
            Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
        protected void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // ValidationInput.Text = string.Empty;
            if (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate >= DateTime.Now ||
                RadAsyncUpload1.UploadedFiles.Count == 0)
                if (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month <= 9)
                //     if (RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month.ToString().Length < 2)
                    folderpath = "0" + RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month.ToString();
                    folderpath = RadMonthYearPicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Month.ToString();
                string tempfolderpath = hdnCurrentFiscalYear_st_dt.Value.Substring(hdnCurrentFiscalYear_st_dt.Value.ToString().Length - 4) + "\\";
                Tempstr = tempfolderpath;
                Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
                folderpath = "FY" + hdncurrentfy.Value +
                             "\\" + hdncurrentfy.Value + '-' + folderpath + ' ' + hiddendmonth.Value;
                Tempstr = folderpath;
                Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
                sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("Import_Source_File", sqlConnection);
                sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FolderName", folderpath.ToString().Trim());
                sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@runtype", "1");
                var outParam = new SqlParameter("@FolderCreated", SqlDbType.VarChar);
                outParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                outParam.Size = 4000;
                // sqlCommand.Parameters.@FolderCreated.size = 2000;
                sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                sqlCommand.CommandTimeout = 7200;
                var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(outParam.Value.ToString().Trim()) + "\\";
                hdnFolderCreated.Value = "All files are created into Network Folder: " + folder;
                global_export_folder = folder;
                Tempstr = folder;
                Tempstr1 = Tempstr;
                RadAsyncUpload1.TargetFolder = global_export_folder;
                string path = RadAsyncUpload1.TargetFolder;
                string file_name = hiddendmonth.Value.ToString();
                foreach (UploadedFile file in RadAsyncUpload1.UploadedFiles)
                    file.SaveAs(Path.Combine((path), hidValueFileName.Value.ToString())); // + file.GetExtension()));
                string destfileextension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(hidValueFileName.Value.ToString().Trim());
                string destfile_w_outextension = hidValueFileName.Value.ToString().Trim().Substring(0, hidValueFileName.Value.ToString().Trim().Length -
                sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("Import_Source_File", sqlConnection);
                sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FolderName", global_export_folder.ToString());
                sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@runtype", "2");
                sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SourcefileName", destfile_w_outextension.ToString().Trim());
                sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SourceCSVfileName", hidValueFileName.Value.ToString().Trim());
                sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                sqlCommand.CommandTimeout = 7200;
                Tempstr = "Global Export Folder: " + global_export_folder.ToString() + " Folder: " + folder.ToString().Trim();
                Tempstr += " File Name with extension: " + hidValueFileName.Value.ToString().Trim() + " File Name w/o extension: " + destfile_w_outextension.ToString().Trim();
                if (sqlConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
                    Tempstr = "Connection Open";
                    Tempstr = "Connection Close";
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "disp_confirm();", true);
                BtnSubmit.Visible = false;
                RefreshButton.Visible = true;
                in_put.Visible = false;
                // RadMonthYearPicker1.Visible = false;
                BtnSubmit.Visible = false;
                RefreshButton.Visible = true;
                RefreshButton.Text = "Return";
                RadAsyncUpload1.Visible = false;

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Rank 1
answered on 14 Oct 2015, 10:50 AM
Hi Hristo, any update in this issue? Thanks
Telerik team
answered on 19 Oct 2015, 10:09 AM

As Hristo suggested, you can manually show and hide the AjaxLoadingPanel instead of using the AjaxManager. You can show it at the btnSubmit click client-side event and display the Loading indicator over the table, where the AsyncUpload  is nested in. Please consider the below implementation.
<table  id="UploadTable" runat="server">
                  <tr id="in_put" runat="server" >
                          <telerik:RadMonthYearPicker ID="RadMonthYearPicker1" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedDateChanged="btnPopulate_Form"
                          <telerik:RadAjaxPanel ID="RadAjaxPanel1" runat="server" Height="200px" Width="300px">
                              <telerik:RadAsyncUpload runat="server" ID="RadAsyncUpload1" AllowedFileExtensions="txt,jpg,jpeg,png,gif,csv" TargetFolder="" MultipleFileSelection="Automatic"
                                  OnClientFileSelected="rAsyncUpload_Selected" OnClientFileUploaded="OnClientFileUploaded"
                                  PostbackTriggers="BtnSubmit" MaxFileSize="100971520" Skin="Silk" TemporaryFolder="temp"

javascript for BtnSubmit's OnClientClicked function:
<script type="text/javascript">
                function OnClientClicked() {
                    var item = "<%= UploadTable.ClientID %>";

As for the hiding - as you are handling a server-side event it will cause a postback, which should automatically hide the LoadingPanel. Please give it a try at your end and let us know the results.

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answered on 23 Oct 2015, 12:15 AM

Thanks Nencho and Hristo, your solution works 100% (i.e. manually show and hide the AjaxLoadingPanel  in button click client-side event instead of using the AjaxManager). 

Great Tip. I was using the traditional AjaxLoadingPanel  code.

<telerik:RadAjaxManager ID="RadAjaxManager1" runat="server">
        <telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="BtnSubmit">
                <telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="RadAjaxPanel1" LoadingPanelID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" />


Appreciate for all your help. Sincerely


Telerik team
answered on 27 Oct 2015, 08:45 AM
Hello gc_0620,

We are glad that we've helped in achieving the desired functionality and thank you for sharing you final solution with the community.

Do you want to have your say when we set our development plans? Do you want to know when a feature you care about is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Feedback Portal and vote to affect the priority of the items
Asked by
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Answers by
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Hristo Valyavicharski
Telerik team
Telerik team
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