<script type="text/x-kendo-tmpl" id="InProgressTasktemplate">
<div class="iplist">
Task ID : #:TaskID#<br /> <br />
Task Name : #:TaskName#<br /><br />
From: #= kendo.toString(new Date(PlannedStartDate), 'dd/MM/yyyy') #
To: #= kendo.toString(new Date(PlannedDeliveryDate), 'dd/MM/yyyy') #<br /><br />
Ids: #:Ids#<br /><br />
# function getProfilePics(Ids) { #
var temp = new Array();
temp = Ids.split(",");
return temp;
# } #
# for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { #
<div>#=temp[i] #</div>
<img border="0" alt="profilePicture" id="profileimg" src='@Url.Action("RenderProfileImage", "TT", new { keyUserProfileId = "temp[i]" })' width="30" height="30">
# } #
I'm having issue for above kendo template code.
function getProfilePics(Ids) is function of split #:Ids# and ID set assign to the array and array values pass to the for loop.
Inside the for loop array value pass to the url action load image one by one.
But for loop does not working.