m using Telerik UI for asp.net. Specifically I'm using RadTabStrip with partial page postbacks to allow the user to tab through different sets of data. When the user clicks a tab, some code executes and loads data just for that tab.
Some things I've tried that work for similar problems:
I've figured out how to execute codebehind: I set the OnTabClick property of the RadTabStrip, and then in codebehind I check what tab was clicked.
protected void tab_Click(object sender, RadTabStripEventArgs e)
if (e.Tab.Text == "Info")
{ populateInfoTab();
private void populateInfotab()
// Do some stuff
However, I can't figure out how to execute client side javascript after a specific tab is clicked. What I tried:
Set OnClientTabSelected property, and then add some javascript:
function tab_ClientClick(sender, args)
var tab = args.get_tab();
if(tab.get_text() == "Info")
alert("Tab Clicked");
This works, BUT:
The problem is that I need to set the InnerHtml of some div in the clicked pageview after it is clicked. I cannot do:
some_div.InnerHtml = "test";
after the alert.
The div does not exist on page load (that specific RadPageView is hidden) so I cannot set it then. Once the user clicks into the tab, and after the page view loads, I need to be able to update the div's InnerHtml through JavaScript.
How would I go about doing this?