I was wondering if there was a way on the back end to setup the toggle states like:
<telerik:RadButtonToggleState Text="Checked" PrimaryIconCssClass="rbToggleRadioChecked"></telerik:RadButtonToggleState>
<telerik:RadButtonToggleState Text="UnChecked" PrimaryIconCssClass="rbToggleRadio"></telerik:RadButtonToggleState>
My current code is something like this:
RadButton button = new RadButton();
button.GroupName = rbl.ID;
button.ToggleType = ButtonToggleType.Radio;
button.ButtonType = RadButtonType.StandardButton;
button.AutoPostBack = false;
button.Text = row.option_name;
button.Value = row.option_value;
button.RenderMode = RenderMode.Lightweight;
button.Icon.PrimaryIconCssClass = "rbToggleRadio";
Would I have to set an on change to handle changing the PrimaryIconCssClass?