Please i need your help guys in building a grid using 3 datasources:
Query 1: Will return the categoryName,categoryOrderNumber,CategoryName from TABLE1
Query 2: Will return the SALES totalweight,totalPrice,TotalpriceUSD for the Categories from TABLE2
Query 3: Will return the PURCHASES totalweight,totalPrice,TotalpriceUSD for the Categories from TABLE3
Catergory SalesTotalWeight SalesTotalPrice SalesTotalPriceUSD PurchaseTotalWeight SalesTotalPrice SalesTotalPriceUSD
Category1 x x x x x x
Category2 x x x x x x
Category3 x x x x x x
Thanks in advance,
Please i need your help guys in building a grid using 3 datasources:
Query 1: Will return the categoryName,categoryOrderNumber,CategoryName from TABLE1
Query 2: Will return the SALES totalweight,totalPrice,TotalpriceUSD for the Categories from TABLE2
Query 3: Will return the PURCHASES totalweight,totalPrice,TotalpriceUSD for the Categories from TABLE3
Catergory SalesTotalWeight SalesTotalPrice SalesTotalPriceUSD PurchaseTotalWeight SalesTotalPrice SalesTotalPriceUSD
Category1 x x x x x x
Category2 x x x x x x
Category3 x x x x x x
Thanks in advance,