Hi, there seems to be a bug in the latest version using the Async Upload Control in the ContentArea of the RadWindow when the VisibleOnPageLoad property is set to False (in Firefox), presumably because the control is not visible.
When you select a file for the first time, on the first show of the RadWindow, the file fails to upload continually spinning icon. Clicking remove, and re-trying works as expected. A javascript error is raised "o is undefined" around line 9278 (of the WebResource).
Within this block:
The crashing line being:.... (Can someone please test this and see if there is some sort of easy workaround)... Thanks, SHaun.
When you select a file for the first time, on the first show of the RadWindow, the file fails to upload continually spinning icon. Clicking remove, and re-trying works as expected. A javascript error is raised "o is undefined" around line 9278 (of the WebResource).
Within this block:
a.RadAsyncUpload.prototype={initialize:function(){a.RadAsyncUpload.callBaseMethod(this,"initialize"); |
this.add_fileUploaded(c.proxy(this._onFileUploadEnd,this)); |
this.add_fileUploadFailed(c.proxy(this._onFileUploadEnd,this)); |
if(this._getIsManagerDeclared()){getRadProgressManager()._addParamToCallbackUrl("type","rau"); |
}},appendStyledFileInput:function(k){var f=this.createFileInput(); |
this._fileInput=f; |
$addHandlers(f,{change:this.uploadFileSelected},this); |
if($telerik.isIE){$addHandlers(f,{mousedown:this._getFileInputMouseDownHandler(),mouseup:this._getFileInputMouseUpHandler()},this); |
}var h=f.id; |
var e=h+"frame"; |
var d=c("<iframe name='"+e+"' id='"+e+"'/>"); |
this._inputsDictionary[e]={rowElement:k,inputId:h}; |
var l=this; |
var j=c("<form class='ruForm' action='"+this._handlerUrl+"' method='post' encoding='multipart/form-data' enctype='multipart/form-data' target='"+h+"frame'/>"); |
j.attr("id",h+"form"); |
j.appendTo(document.body); |
d.insertAfter(j); |
d.css("display","none"); |
var g=document.createElement("span"); |
g.className="ruFileWrap"; |
var i=function(){var o=l._inputsDictionary[this.name]; |
var p=null; |
try{p=this.contentDocument||this.contentWindow.document; |
}catch(q){l._onFileUploadFail(o,""); |
return; |
}if(p){if(c(o.rowElement).parents().length==0){return; |
}var m=""; |
try{m=c.parseJSON(p.body.innerHTML); |
}catch(q){l._onFileUploadFail(o,p.body.innerHTML); |
return; |
The crashing line being:.... (Can someone please test this and see if there is some sort of easy workaround)... Thanks, SHaun.
}if(p){if(c(o.rowElement).parents().length==0){return; |