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Broken changes in 1314.35

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CSurieux asked on 24 Jan 2009, 08:53 PM

After installing the last 1314 version, I noticed some broken features:
- some tooltip now have vertical lines left and right, this also appear in your demo : adcontrols_aspnetajax/ToolTip/Examples/BindToTarget/DefaultCS.aspx

- area for tooltips no more adapt to its content as previously, following code no more works, tolltip is displyaed but to small for content:
if (!Object.Equals(Ctl, null) && (ImgItem.imageShortDescription != string.Empty) )
                RadToolTip tt           =   new RadToolTip();
                tt.ID                   =   string.Format("tt_{0}",Ctl.ID);
                tt.TargetControlID      =   Ctl.ClientID;
                tt.IsClientID           =   true;
                tt.Position             =   ToolTipPosition.Center;
                tt.RelativeTo           =   ToolTipRelativeDisplay.Element;
                tt.ContentScrolling     =   ToolTipScrolling.Auto;
                tt.Text                 =   ImgItem.imageShortDescription;
Thanks for suggestion.


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Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
answered on 26 Jan 2009, 11:02 AM

Hello Christian,

Most probably the described behavior comes form the applied changes in the ContentScrolling functionality. There was a logical problem in previous implementation but it is now fixed. When you have ContentScrolling = Auto you should explicitly provide sizes for the tooltip's width and height because the tooltip can't "understand" according to what size to create scrollbars or not. If you want to force the tooltip automatically calculate its size without generating scrollbars, you should set ContentScrolling = Default, which is a new enum value and the default setting of the property.

This being said, you should either set ContentScrolling = Default or set ContentScrolling = Auto along with explicit Width and Height values. I hope that my explanations are clear and helpful, let me know if you need further assistance.

All the best,

the Telerik team

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answered on 26 Jan 2009, 05:47 PM
Thanks for answer Svetlina,

But I don't understand why, if the default value for this new attribute is Default, I should change something to my code ?
It should work as previously, this is the reason of your compatibility default value ????

I will try in case ....

But I think there are some other limitations or errors that have been introduced in Tooltip.

Adapting all the Tooltips with a width and height could be a lot of work. Hope I will not have to do this.


PS: my thread title should have been 'breaking change'.
Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
answered on 29 Jan 2009, 10:58 AM
Hello Christian,

You are right that in case you have not explicitly set the RadToolTip's ContentScrolling property to true you should not make changes. However, in your case you have explicitly set it to Auto in the following line:

   tt.ContentScrolling     =   ToolTipScrolling.Auto;

In order to get the desired result you should either remove the setting at all or set it to Default.

the Telerik team

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answered on 29 Jan 2009, 05:31 PM

Fine, it works with Default.

Thanks, Bye
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Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
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